Minggu, 08 Juni 2014

1304.   Kele, N.; Orbulescu, J.; Calhoun, T. L.; Gawley, R. E.; and Leblanc, R. M.  (2002).   Coumaryl crown ether based chemosensors: selective detection of saxitoxin in the presence of sodium and potassium ions.   Tetrahed. Lett. 43(25):4413-4416.  Keywords:  coumarin/ saxitoxins/ fluorescence.
1305.   Keleti, G.; Sykora, J. L.; Lippy, E. C.; and Shapiro, M. A.  (1979).  Algae and occurrence of LPS.  Lipopolysaccharide in drinking water.  In: Proc. Am. Soc. for Microbiology.  Los Angeles.  79th Ann. Meeting,  pp. Q. 70.    Keywords:  LPS/ lipopolysaccharide/ drinking water.
1306.   Keleti, G.; Sykora, J. L.; Lippy, E. C.; and Shapiro, M. A.  (1979).   Composition and biological properties of lipopolysaccharides isolated from Schizothrix calcicola (Ag.) gomont (cyanobacteria).   Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 38(3):471-477.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ Schizothrix calcicola/ composition.
1307.   Keleti, G.; Sykora, J. L.; Maiolie, L. A.; Doerfler, D. L.; and Campbell, I. M.  (1981).  Isolation and characterization of endotoxin from cyanobacteria (blue-green algae).  In: W. W. Carmichael (ed.)   The Water Environment:  Algal Toxins and Health.  Plenum Press: New York,  pp. 447-464.  491 pp.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ isolation/ characterization/ endotoxin.
1308.   Kelly, D. F. and Pontefract, R.  (1990).   Hepatorenal toxicity in a dog following immersion in Rutland Water.   Vet. Record 127(18):453-454.  Keywords:  toxicity/ dog/ immersion/ Rutland water/ Leicestershire/ hepatorenal.
1309.   Kenefick, S. L.; Hrudey, S. E.; Peterson, H. G.; and Prepas, E. E.  (1993).   Toxin release from Microcystis aeruginosa after chemical treatment.   Water Sci. Technol.   27(3-4):433-440.  Keywords:  cyanobacteria/ blue-green algae/ copper sulfate/ lime/ microcystin-LR/ hepatotoxins/ algal blooms/ drinking waer/ reservoir treatment/ Microcystis aeruginosa/ chemical treatment.
1310.   Kenefick, S. L.; Hrudey, S. E.; Prepas, E. E.; Motkosky, N.; and Peterson, H. G.  (1992).   Odorous substances and cyanobacterial toxins in prairie drinking water sources.   Water Sci. Technol. 25(2):147-154.  Keywords:  anatoxin-a/ neurotoxin/ microcystin-LR/ microcystin-RR/ hepatotoxins/ geosmin/ 2-methylisoborneol/ ß-cyclocitral/ cyanobacteria/ health/ drinking water/ prairie.
1311.   Kennelly, P. J.  (2002).   Protein kinases and protein phosphatases in prokaryotes: a genomic perspective.   FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 206(1):1-8.  Keywords:  protein phosphorylation/ protein kinase/ protein phosphatase/ phylogeny.
1312.   Kennelly, P. J.  (2001).   Protein phosphatases — a phylogenetic perspective.   Chem. Rev. 101(8):2291-2312.  Keywords:  low molecular weight/ dual specificity phosphatase/ isocitrate dehydrogenase kinase phosphatase/ serine threonine phosphatases/ signal transduction pathways/ complete genome sequence/ 2-component regulatory systems/ Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2)/ rabbit skeletal muscle/ sensor kinase kdpd.
1313.   Kerr, L. A.; McCoy, C. P.; and Eaves, D.  (1987).   Blue-green algae toxicosis in five dairy cows.   J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 191(7):829-830.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ toxicosis/ dairy cows.
1314.   Keshavanath, P.; Beveridge, M. C. M.; Baird, D. J.; Lawton, L. A.; Nimmo, A.; and Codd, G. A.  (1994).   The functional grazing response of a phytoplanktivorous fish Oreoshromis niloticus to mixtures of toxic and non-toxic strains of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa.   J. Fish Biol. 45(1):123-129.  Keywords:  grazing response/ fish/ Oreoshromis niloticus/ mixed strains/ Microcystis aeruginosa.
1315.   Keto, J.  (1985).   Myrkylliset ja punaiset sinilevat Lahden Vesijarvessa.   Ympär. Terv.  16:37-40.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin.  (Finnish)
1316.   Keto, J.  (1985).   Sinilevahaittojen torjunta Lahdessa.  Katsaus suoritettuihin toimenpiteisiin.   Ympär. Terv. 16:448-450.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin.  (Finnish)
1317.   Kfir, R. and Genthe B.  (1993).   Advantages and disadvantages of the use of immunodetection techniques for the enumeration of microorganisms and toxins in water.   Water Sci. Technol. 27(3-4):243-252.  Keywords:  immunodetection techniques/ advantages/ disadvantages/ enumeration/ microorganisms/ toxins.
1318.   Kfir, R.; Johannsen, E.; and Botes, D. P.  (1986).   Monoclonal antibody specific for cyanoginosin-LA:  preparation and characterization.   Toxicon 24(6):543-552.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ cyanoginosin/ monoclonal antibody.
1319.   Kfir, R.; Johannsen, E.; and Botes, D. P.  (1986).  Preparation of anti-cyanoginosin-LA monoclonal antibody.  In: P. S. Steyn and R. Vleggaar, (eds.)  Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins, Bioactive Molecules.  Elsevier: Amsterdam.  Vol. 1,  pp. 377-385.  545 pp.  July 22-25, 1985; Pretoria, S. Afr.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ cyanoginosin/ monoclonal antibody.
1320.   Khan, S. A.; Ghosh, S.; Wickstrom, M. L.; Miller, L. A.; Hess, R.; Haschek, W. M.; and Beasley, V. R.  (1995).   Comparative pathology of microcystin-LR in cultured hepatocytes, fibroblasts and renal epithelial cells.   Natural Toxins 3:119-128.  Keywords:  pathology/ microcystin-LR.
1321.   Khasdan, V.; Ben-Dov, E.; Manasherob, R.; Boussiba, S.; and Zaritsky, A.  (2003).   Mosquioto larvicidal activity of transgenic Anabaena PCC 7120 expressing toxin genes from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis.   FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 227(2):189-195.  Keywords:  mosquitocidal Anabaena/ delta endotoxin/ Bacillus thuringiensis.
1322.   Kiely, J. S.; Moos, W. H.; Pavia, M. R.; Schwarz, R. D.; and Woodard, G. L.  (1991).   A silica gel plate-based qualitative assay for acetylcholinesterase activity: a mass method to screen for potential inhibitors.   Analyt. Biochem. 196(2):439-442.  Keywords:  assay/ acetylcholinesterase activity/ potential inhibitors.
1323.   Kiguchi, K.; Glesne, D.; Chubb, C. H.; Fujiki, H.; and Huberman, E.  (1994).   Differential induction of apoptosis in human breast tumor cells by okadaic acid and related inhibitors of protein phosphatases 1 and 2A .   Cell Growth & Diff. 5 (9):995-1004.  Keywords:  differential/ apoptosis induction/ human breast tumor cells/ inhibitors/ PP1/ PP2A.
1324.   Kiirikki, M.; Inkala, A.; Kuosa, H.; Pitkanen, H.; Kuusisto, M.; and Sarkkula, J.  (2001).   Evaluating the effects of nutrient load reductions on the biomass of toxic nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea.   Boreal Environ. Res. 6(2):131-146.  Keywords:  Baltic Sea/ Finland/ summer phytoplankton/ water quality/ spring bloom/ eastern gulf/ phosphorus/ sedimentation/ dynamics/ bioavailability/ plankton.
1325.   Kim, B. H.; Choi, M. K.; Chung, Y. T.; Lee, J. B.; and Wui, I. S.  (1997).   Blue-green alga Microcystis-aeruginosa Kutz. in natural medium.   Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 59(1):35-43.  Keywords:  Microcystis-aeruginosa/ growth.
1326.   Kim, H. Y.; Stein, K.; and Toogood, P. L.  (1996).   Synthesis towards microcystins and related toxins.   Chem. Commun.(14):1683-1684.  Keywords:  synthesis/ microcystins.
1327.   Kim, J. D.; Yoon, B. D.; and Oh, H. M.  (2003).   Rapid bioassay for microcystin toxicity based on feeding activity of Daphnia.   Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol.  70(5):861-867.  Keywords:  Ceriodaphnia dubia/ cyanobacteria/ toxins/ magna/ tests/ behavior/ Daphnia.
1328.   Kirk, K. L. and Gilbert, J. J.  (1992).   Variation in herbivore response to chemical defenses:  zooplankton foraging on toxic cyanobacteria.   Ecology 73(6):2208-2217.  Keywords:  Anabaena/ herbivore response/ chemical defenses/ cladocerans/ copepods/ foraging patterns/ phytoplankton/ rotifers/ selective feeding/ zooplankton/ toxic cyanobacteria.
1329.   Kirpenko, N. I.  (1986).   Phytopathic properties of the toxin of blue-green algae.   Gidrobiologicheskii Zh. (Hydrobiol. J.) 22(1):48-50.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ properties.  (Russian)
1330.   Kirpenko, Yu A. and Kirpenko, N. I.  (1980).   Biological activity of the algotoxin of blue-green algae  — pathogens of water "blooming".   Gidrobiologicheskii Zh. (Hydrobiol. J.) 16(6):53-57.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ biological activity.  (Russian)
1331.   Kirpenko, Yu A.; Lukina, L. F.; Orlovskii, V. M.; and Peskov, V. A.  (1976).   Method of determining toxins of blue-green algae.   Byull. Izobret. 16:125-126.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ determining.  (Ukrainian)
1332.   Kirpenko, Yu A.; Perevozchenko, I. I.; Sirenko, L. A.; and Lukina, L. F.  (1975).   Isolation of toxin from blue-green algae biomass and some of its physico-chemical properties.   Dopov. Akad. Nauk. Ukr. RSR. Ser. B:359-361.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ isolation.
1333.   Kirpenko, Yu A.; Sirenko, L. A.; and Kirpenko, N. I.  (1982).   Effect of blue-green algal toxin on functions of brain, heart, and substrate oxidation procesess in cells.   Dokl. Akad. Nauk. Ukr. SSR Ser. B Geol. Khim. Biol. Nauki(2):56-58.  Keywords:  cyanotoxins/ brain/ heart/ substrate.
1334.   Kirpenko, Yu A.; Sirenko, L. A.; and Kirpenko, N. I.  (1981).  Some aspects concerning remote after-effects of blue-green algae toxin impact on warm-blooded animals.  In: W. W. Carmichael (ed.)  The Water Environment:  Algal Toxins and Health.  Plenum Press: New York,  pp. 257-269.  491 pp.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ impact/ animals.
1335.   Kirpenko, Yu A.; Sirenko, L. A.; Lukina, L. F.; Kirpenko, N. I.; and Danilouskaya, E. N.  (1976).   Relation of the biological activity of toxic metabolites of blue-green algae to structural features.   Form. Kontrol Kach. Poverkhn. Vod 2 :33-37.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ biological activity/ structural features.  (Russian)
1336.   Kirpenko, Yu A.; Sirenko, L. A.; Orlovskii, V. M.; and Lukina, L. F.  (1977).  Toxic blue-green algae and culture of the organism.  In: A. V. Topachevskiy and E. E. Kvetnetskia (eds.)  Naukogo Dumka.  Ukranian Scientific Publishing House: Kiev,  252 pp.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ culture.  (Russian)
1337.   Kirpenko, Yu A.; Stankevich, V. V.; and Kirpenko, N. I.  (1982).   Combined effect of toxins released by Cyanophyceae and of certain components of industrial waste on water quality.   Gidrobiologicheskii Zh. (Hydrobiol. J.) 18(4):34-36.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ industrial waste/ water quality.
1338.   Kirpenko, Yu A.; Stankevich, V. V.; Orlovskii, V. M.; Kirpenko, N. I.; Bokov, A. V.; and Karpenko, T. F.  (1979).   A comparative assessment of the toxic effect of biologically active substances of blue-green algae at the cellular and organismic levels.   Hydrobiol. J.  (Gidrobiologicheskii Zh.) 15:83-86.  Keywords:  comparison/ toxic effect/ cyanobacteria/ cellular/ organismic level.
1339.   Kirpenko, Yu A.; Stankevich, V. V.; Orlovskii, V. M.; Kirpenko, N. I.; Bokov, A. V.; and Karpenko, T. F.  (1980).   Comparative evaluation of the toxic effect of biologically active substances of blue-green algae on cellular and body levels.   Gidrobiologicheskii Zh. (Hydrobiol. J.) 15(6):91-94.  Keywords:  evaluation/ toxic effect/ cyanobacteria/ cellular/ body level.
1340.   Kiss, T.; Vehovszky, A.; Hiripi, L.; Kovács, A.; and Vörös, L.  (2002).   Membrane effects of toxins isolated from a cyanobacterium, Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, on identified molluscan neurons.   Comp. Biochem. Physiol.–C: Pharmacol. Toxicol. 131(2):167-176.  Keywords:  anatoxin/ Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii extract/ phytotoxins/ molluscan neuron/ HPLC/ cylindrospermopsin/ acetylcholine (ACh) receptors/ cation channel.
1341.   Kiviranta, J.  (1992).   Larvicidal effects of toxic cyanobacteria on yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti.   Acta Pharmaceutica Fennica 101:105-109.  Keywords:  cytotoxins/ mosquito/ Aedes aegypti.
1342.   Kiviranta, J. and Abdel-Hameed, A.  (1994).   Toxicity of the blue-green alga Oscillatoria agardhii to the mosquito Aedes aegypti and the shrimp Artemia salina.   World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 10(5):517-520.  Keywords:  cytotoxin/ mosquito/ Aedes aegypti/ Artemia salina/ shrimp/ toxicity/ Oscillatoria agardhii.
1343.   Kiviranta, J.; Namikoshi, M.; Sivonen, K.; Evans, W. R.; Carmichael, W. W.; and Rinehart, K. L.  (1992).   Structure determination and toxicity of a new microcystin from Microcytis aeruginosa strain 205.   Toxicon 30(9):1093-1098.  Keywords:  microcystins/ Microcytis aeruginosa.
1344.   Kiviranta, J.; Saario, E.; and Niemelä, S. I.  (1991).  Toxicity of planktonic cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) to mosquito larvae.  39th Annual Congress Medicinal Plant Research.  Verlag Stuttgart: New York.  pp. 21-22.  September 1991; Saarbrücken.  Keywords:  mosquito/ toxicity.  (Poster)
1345.   Kiviranta, J.; Saario, E.; Sivonen, K.; and Niemelä, S. I.  (1990).   Mouse oral toxicity of the cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena, and inhibition of hepatotoxicity by hydrocortisone.   Acta Pharmaceutica Fennica 99:69-76.  Keywords:  nodularin/ oral toxicity/ Nodularia spumigena/ mouse toxicity.
1346.   Kiviranta, J.; Sivonen, K.; Lathi, K.; Luukkainen, R.; and Niemelä, S. I.  (1991).   Production and biodegradation of cyanobacterial toxins — a laboratory study.   Arch. Hydrobiol. 121(3):281-294.  Keywords:  cyanotoxins/ biodegradation/ production.
1347.   Kiviranta, J.; Sivonen, K.; Niemelä, S. I.; and Huovinen, K.  (1990).   Detection of toxins of cyanobacteria blue-green algae by Artemia salina bioassay.   Planta Medica 56(6):643-644.  Keywords:  cyanobacteria/ detection/ Artemia salina.
1348.   Klapes, N. A.  (1990).   Acute toxicity of the natural algicide, cyanobacterin, to Daphnia magna.   Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety 20(2):167-174.  Keywords:  toxicity/ cyanobacterin/ Daphnia magna.
1349.   Klein, D.; Braekman, J. C.; Daloze, D.; Hoffmann, L.; and Demoulin, V.  (1997).   Lyngbyaloside, a novel 2,3,4-tri-O-methyl-6-deoxy-alpha-mannopyranoside macrolide from Lyngbya bouillonii (cyanobacteria).   J. Natural Products 60(10):1057-1059.  Keywords:  lyngbyaloside/ Lyngbya bouillonii/ cytotoxin.
1350.   Knübel, G.; Larsen, L. K.; Moore, R. E.; Levine, I. A.; and Patterson, G. M. L.  (1990).   Cytotoxic, antiviral indolocarbazoles from a blue-green alga belonging to the Nostocaceae.   J. Antibiot. 43(10):1236-1239.  Keywords:  indolocarbazoles/ Nostocaceae.
1351.   Knutsen, G. and Skjanes, K.  (1999).   Simple growth chambers for culturing microalgae with precision at different temperatures and irradiance.   J. Appl.Phycol. 11(6):487-491.  Keywords:  cyanobacteria/ growth chambers/ microalgae/ Spirulina.
1352.   Kobayashi, A.; Kajiyama S.I.; Inawaka, K.; Kanzaki, H.; and Kawazu, K.  (1994).   Nostodione-a, a novel mitotic spindle poison from a blue-green alga Nostoc commune.   Z. Naturfo. C 49(7-8):464-470.  Keywords:  nostodione-a/ mitotic spindle poison/ Nostoc commune.
1353.   Kobayashi, J.  (1989).   Pharmacologically active metabolites from symbiotic microalgae in Okinawan marine invertebrates.   J. Natural Products 52(2):225-238.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ dinoflagellate/ products/ phamaceutical/ symbiotic/ marine/ Oscillatoria/ Okinawa.
1354.   Kobayashi, T.  (1993).   Filtering rates of Daphnia carinata King (Crustacea: Cladocera) on the blue-green algae Microcystis aeruginosa Kütz and Anabaena cylindrica (Lemm.).   Aust. J. Ecol. 18(2):231-234.  Keywords:  filtering rates/ Daphnia carinata/ Microcystis aeruginosa / Anabaena cylindrica .
1355.   Kodani, S.; Ishida, K.; and Murakami, M.  (1998).   Aeruginosin 103-A, a thrombin inhibitor from the cyanobacterium Microcystis viridis.   J. Natural Products 61(8):1046-1048.  Keywords:  thrombin inhibitor/ Microcystis viridis.
1356.   Koehn. F.E.; Longley, R. E.; and Reed, J. K.  (1992).   Microcolin-a and microcolin-b, new immunosuppressive peptides from the blue-green alga Lyngbya majuscula.   J. Natural Products 55(5):613-619.  Keywords:  immunosuppressive peptides/ Lyngbya majuscula.
1357.   Kofuji, P.; Aracava, Y.; Swanson, K. L.; and Albuquerque, E. X.  (1989).   Activation and ion channel blockade by the nicotinic agonist (+) anatoxin and derivatives.   Soc. Neurosci. Abstr.  15:557.  Keywords:  anatoxin-a/ nicotinic agonist.
1358.   Kofuji, P.; Aracava, Y.; Swanson, K. L.; Aronstam, R. S.; Rapoport, H.; and Albuquerque, E. X.  (1990).   Activation and blockade of the acetylcholine receptor-ion channel by the agonists (+)-anatoxin-a, the N-methyl derivative and the enantiomer.   J. Pharmacol. Exp. Therapeut. 252(2):517-525.  Keywords:  anatoxin-a/ N-methyl anatoxin-a.
1359.   Kogure, K.; Tamplin, M. L.; Simidu, U.; and Colwell, R. R.  (1988).   A tissue culture assay for tetrodotoxin, saxitoxin and related toxins.   Toxicon 26(2):191-197.  Keywords:  tissue culture assay/ tetrodotoxin/ saxitoxin.
1360.   Kohl, J. G.; Börner, T.; Henning, M.; Schwabe, W.; and Weihe, A.  (1988).   Plasmid content and differences in ecologically important characteristics of different strains of Microcystis aeruginosa.   Arch. Hydrobiol. 80(Suppl.):195-201.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ Microcystis aeruginosa/ plasmid.
1361.   Kollman, V.H. (1982).   Use of the blue-green algae Aphanizomenon flos-aquae in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.   Wynetta Spencer Publishing Services: 5 pp.    Keywords:  blue-green algae/ Aphanizomenon flos-aquae/ treatment/ Alzheimer's disease.
1362.   Komárek, J.  (1991).   A review of water bloom forming Microcystis species, with regard to populations from Japan.   Arch. Hydrobiol.–Algol. Stud. 92:115-127.  Keywords:  cyanophytes/ Microcystis/ phytoplankton/ morphology/ variation range/ taxonomy/ freshwater reservoirs/ Japan.
1363.   Kondo, F.  (2001).   Analysis of microcystins in cyanobacteria, water, shellfish and fish.   J. Food Hygienic Soc. Japan 42(5):289-297.  Keywords:  protein phosphatase bioassay/ linked immunosorbent assay/ blue-green algae/ mass spectrometry/ heptapeptide toxin/ lake water/ in vivo/ liver/ LR/ identification/ shellfish/ fish.
1364.   Kondo, F.  (2000).   Total analysis system for tumor promoter microcystins produced by cyanobacteria (review).   Yakugaku Zasshi (J. Pharmaceut. Soc. Jap.) 120(2):159-169.  Keywords:  microcystins/ tumor promoter/ analysis system.  (Japanese)
1365.   Kondo, F. and Harada, K-I.  (1996).   Mass spectrometric analysis of cyanobacterial toxins.   J. Mass Spec. Soc. Jap. 44(3):355-376.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ analysis.
1366.   Kondo, F.; Ikai, Y.; Oka, H.; Ishikawa, N.; Watanabe, M. F.; Watanabe, M.; Harada, K-I.; and Suzuki, M.  (1992).   Separation and identification of microcystins in cyanobacteria by frit-fast atom bombardment liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry.   Toxicon 30(3):227-237.  Keywords:  microcystins/ separation/ identification/ LC/ MS/ atom bombardment.
1367.   Kondo, F.; Ikai, Y.; Oka, H.; Matsumoto, H.; Yamada, S.; Ishikawa, N.; Tsuji, K.; Harada, K-I.; Shimada, T.; Oshikata, M.; and Suzuki, M.  (1995).   Reliable and sensitive method for determination of microcystins in complicated matrices by frit-fast atom bombardment liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry.   Natural Toxins 3:41-49.  Keywords:  method/ determination/ microcystins/ LC-MS.
1368.   Kondo, F.; Ikai, Y.; Oka, H.; Okumura, M.; Ishikawa, N.; Harada, K-I.; Matsuura, K.; Murata, H.; and Suzuki, M.  (1992).   Formation, characterization, and toxicity of the glutathione and cysteine conjugates of toxic heptapeptide microcystins.   Chem. Res. Toxicol. 5(5):591-596.  Keywords:  formation/ characterization/ toxicity/ microcystins.
1369.   Kondo, F.; Ito, Y.; Oka, H.; Yamada, S.; Tsuji, K.; Imokawa, M; Niimi, Y.; Harada, K.; Ueno, Y.; and Miyazaki, Y.  (2002).   Determination of microcystins in lake water using reusable immunoaffinity column.   Toxicon 40(7):893-899.  Keywords:  microcystin/ cyanobacteria/ reusable immunoaffinity column/ ESI-LC-MS.
1370.   Kondo, F.; Matsumoto, H.; Yamada, S.; Tsuji, K.; Ueno, Y.; and Harada, K.  (2000).   Immunoaffinity purification method for detection and quantification of microcystins in lake water.   Toxicon 38(6):813-823.  Keywords:  microcystins/ methods/ detection/ quantification/ lake water.
1371.   Kondo, R.; Yoshida, T.; Yuki, Y.; and Hiroishi, S.  (2000).   DNA-DNA reassociation among a bloom-forming cyanobacterial genus, Microcystis.   Int. J. Sys. Evol. Microbiol. 50(Pt 2):767-770.  Keywords:  DNA hybridization/ DNA G plus C content/ cyanobacteria/ Microcystis.
1372.   König, G. M. and Wright, A. D.  (1993).  Algal secondary metabolites and their pharmaceutical potential.  In:   A. D. Kinghorn and M. F. Balandrin (eds.)  Human Medicinal Agents from Plants.  Am. Chem. Soc.: Washington, D.C.,  pp. 276-293, Ch. 19.   ACR Symposium Series 534.  Keywords:  cytotoxins/ secondary metabolites.
1373.   Kononen, K.; Kuparinen, J.; Mäkelä, K.; Laanemets, J.; Pavelson, J.; and Nõmmann, S.  (1996).   Initiation of cyanobacterial blooms in a frontal region at the entrance of the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea.   Limnol. Oceanogr. 41(1):98-112.  Keywords:  cyanobacterial blooms/ Gulf of Finland/ Baltic Sea/ Aphanizomenon flos-aquae/ Nodularia spumigena.
1374.   Kononen, K. and Leppänen, J-M.  (1997).  Patchiness, scales and controlling mechanisms of cyanobacterial blooms in the Baltic Sea:  application of a multiscale research strategy.  In: M. Kahru and C. W. Brown (eds.)  Monitoring Algal Blooms:  New Techniques for Detecting Large-Scale Environmental Change.  Landes Bioscience: Austin, TX,  pp. 63-84, Ch. 4.   Keywords:  cyanobacteria blooms/ Baltic Sea.
1375.   Konst, H.; McKercher, P. D.; Gorham, P. R.; Robertson, A.; and Howell, J.  (1965).   Symptoms and pathology produced by toxic Microcystis aeruginosa NRC-1 in laboratory and domestic animals.   Can. J. Comp. Med. Vet. Sci. 29(9):221-228.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ Microcystis aeruginosa/ symptoms/ pathology.
1376.   Kopp, R. and Hetesa, J.  (2000).   Changes of haematological indices of juvenile carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) under the influence of natural populations of cyanobacterial water blooms.   Acta Vet. Brno 69(2):131-137.  Keywords:  carp/ Cyprinus carpio/ cyanotoxins/ waterblooms/ plasma enzymes.
1377.   Kós, P.; Gorzó, G.; Surányi, G.; and Borbély, G.  (1995).   Simple and efficient method for isolation and measurement of cyanobacterial hepatotoxins by plant tests (Sinapis alba L.).   Analyt. Biochem. 225(1):49-53.  Keywords:  method/ isolation/ measurement/ cyanobacterial hepatotoxins/ Sinapis alba L.
1378.   Koski, M.; Engström, J.; and Viitasalo, M.  (1999).   Reproduction and survival of the calanoid copepod Eurytemora affinis fed with toxic and non-toxic cyanobacteria.   Mar. Ecol.–Prog. Ser. 186:187-197.  Keywords:  copepod/ Eurytemora affinis/ reproduction/ survival/ cyanobacteria feeding.
1379.   Koski, M.; Schmidt, K.; Engström-Ost, J.; Viitasalo, M.; Jónasdóttir, S.; Repka, S.; and Sivonen, K.  (2002).   Calanoid copepods feed and produce eggs in the presence of toxic cyanobacteria Nodularia spumigena.   Limnol. Oceanogr. 47(3):878-885.  Keywords:  northern Baltic proper/ chemical composition/ Eurytemora affinis/ Acartia clausi/ sea/ phytoplankton/ reproduction/ Finland/ Gulf/ preference/ Nodularia spumigena.
1380.   Koskinen, A. M. P. and Rapoport, H.  (1985).   Synthetic and conformational studies on anatoxin-a:  a potent acetylcholine agonist.   J. Med. Chem. 28(9):1301-1309.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ synthetic/ anatoxin-a.
1381.   Kotak, B. G.  (1991).  Occurrence and health significance of algal toxins in Alberta surface waters.  In: Managing Alberta's Lakes for the 21st Century.  Proceedings of the Alberta Lake Management Society.  pp. 1-8.  Nov. 1-2; Camrose Senior Centre, Camrose, Alberta.  Keywords:  algal toxins/ health risk/ Alberta/ Canada.
1382.   Kotak, B. G.  (1994).  Toxic algae in productive lakes — a cause for concern.  In: Managing Western Canadian Lakes:  Demands, Issues, and Solutions.  Proceed. from the 3rd Annual Workshop of the Alberta Lake Management Society.  Vol. 3,  pp. 35-38.  Sept. 30-Oct. 1, 1994; Pigeon Lake, Alberta.  Keywords:  toxic algae/ lakes/ Canada.
1383.   Kotak, B. G.; Hrudey, S. E.; Kenefick, S. L.; and Prepas, E. E.  (1993).  Toxicity of cyanobacterial blooms in Alberta lakes.  In: E. G. Baddaloo, S. Ramamoorthy, and J. W. Moore, (eds.)  Proceed. of the 19th Annual Aquatic Toxicity Workshop.  pp. 172-179.  Oct. 4-7, 1992; Edmonton, Alberta.  Keywords:  cyanobacteria/ toxicity/ Alberta.
1384.   Kotak, B. G.; Kenefick, S. L.; Fritz, D. L.; Rousseaux, C. G.; Prepas, E. E.; and Hrudey, S. E.  (1993).   Occurrence and toxicological evaluation of cyanobacterial toxins in Alberta lakes and farm dugouts.   Water Res. 27(3):495-506.  Keywords:  blue-green algae/ neurotoxin/ hepatotoxin/ anatoxin-a/ microcystin-LR/ FAB-MS/ mouse bioassay/ drinking water supply/ occurrence/ evaluation/ Alberta/ lakes/ farm dugouts.
1385.   Kotak, B. G.; Lam, A. K. Y.; Prepas, E. E.; and Hrudey, S. E.  (2000).   Role of chemical and physical variables in regulating microcystin-LR concentration in phytoplankton of eutrophic lakes.   Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 57(8):1584-1593.  Keywords:  cyanobacteria toxins/ microcystin-LR/ Alberta Lakes/ Oscillatoria/ environmental factors.
1386.   Kotak, B. G.; Lam, A. K-Y.; Prepas, E. E.; Kenefick, S. L.; and Hrudey, S. E.  (1995).   Variability of the hepatotoxin microcystin-LR in hypereutrophic drinking water lakes.   J. Phycol. 31(2):248-263.  Keywords:  variability/ microcystin-LR/ hypereutrophic/ drinking water/ lakes/ diel variation/ hepatotoxin/ Microcystis aeruginosa/ spatial variation/ temporal variation.
1387.   Kotak, B. G.; Prepas, E. E.; and Hrudey, S. E.  (1994).   Blue-green algal toxins in drinking water supplies-Research in Alberta.   LakeLine 14(1):37-40.  Keywords:  blue-green toxins/ drinking water.
1388.   Kotak, B. G.; Semalulu, S.; Fritz, D. L.; Prepas, E. E.; Hrudey, S. E.; and Coppock, R. W.  (1996).   Hepatic and renal pathology of intraperitoneally administered microcystin-LR in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).   Toxicon 34(5):517-525.  Keywords:  pathology/ microcystin-LR/ rainbow trout/ Oncorhynchus mykiss.
1389.   Kotak, B. G.; Zurawell, R. W.; Prepas, E. E.; and Holmes, C. F. B.  (1996).   Microcystin-LR concentration in aquatic food-web compartments from lakes of varying trophic status.   Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 53(9):1974-1985.  Keywords:  microcystin-LR/ food-web.
1390.   Kovacs, S. A. and Mohan, A. V.  (2001).   Exacerbation of Lupus symptoms in MRL/1pr mice following cyanobacterial injections.   FASEB J. 15(5 PT 2):A1066.  Keywords:  Lupus symptoms/ mice/ cyanobacterial injections.
1391.   Kozlowsky-Suzuki, B.; Karjalainen, M.; Lehtiniemi, M.; Engström-Ost, J.; Koski, M.; and Carlsson, P.  (2003).   Feeding, reproduction and toxin accumulation by the copepods Acartia bifilosa and Eurytemora affinis in the presence of the toxic cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena.   Mar. Ecol.–Prog. Ser. 249:237-249.  Keywords:  Nodularia spumigena/ Acartia bifilosa/ Eurytemora affinis/ feeding/ egg production/ nodularin/ toxin accumulation/ Baltic Sea.
1392.   Krasowski., M. D.; Mcgehee, D. S.; and Moss, J.  (1997).   Natural inhibitors of cholinesterases - implications for adverse drug-reactions.   Can. J. Anaes. 44(5):525-534.  Keywords:  anatoxin-a(s).
1393.   Kreitlow, S.; Mundt, S.; and Lindequist, U.  (1999).   Cyanobacteria—a potential source of new biologically active substances.   J. Biotechnol. 70(1-3):61-63.  Keywords:  biologically active substances.
1394.   Krienitz, L.; Ballot, A.; Kotut, K.; Wiegand, C.; Pütz, S.; Metcalf, J. S.; Codd, G. A.; and Pflugmacher, S.  (2003).   Contribution of hot spring cyanobacteria to the mysterious deaths of lesser flamingos at Lake Bogoria, Kenya.   FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 43(2):141-148.  Keywords:  anatoxin/ cyanobacteria/ hot spring/ Lake Bogoria/ lesser flamingo/ microcystin/ blue-green alga/ Microcystis aeruginosa/ Rift-valley/ toxin/ identification/ birds/ Kenya.
1395.   Krienitz, L.; Ballot, A.; Wiegand, C.; Kotut, K.; Codd, G. A.; and Pflugmacher, S.  (2002).   Cyanotoxin-producing bloom of Anabaena flos-aquae, Anabaena discoidea and Microcystis aeruginosa (cyanobacteria) in Nyanza Gulf of Lake Victoria, Kenya.   J. Appl. Bot. 76(5-6):179-183.  Keywords:  toxins/ Africa/ waters/ Anabaena flos-aquae/ Anabaena discoidea/ Microcystis aeruginosa/ Nyanza Gulf/ Lake Victoria/ Kisumu, Kenya.
1396.   Krishnamurthy, T.  (1994).   Chirality in microcystins.   J. Am. Soc. Mass Spec. 5(8):724-730.  Keywords:  microcystins.
1397.   Krishnamurthy, T.; Brooks, M. E.; Hunt, D. F.; Shabanowitz, J.; Carmichael, W. W.; and Mereish, K. A.  (1989).   Tandem mass spectrometric investigations on cyclic peptides.   Toxicon 27(1):56.  Keywords:  cyclic peptides/ investigation/ mass spectrometric.
1398.   Krishnamurthy, T.; Carmichael, W. W.; and Sarver, E. W.  (1986).   Toxic peptides from freshwater cyanobacteria (blue-green algae)  I. Isolation, purification and characterization of peptides from Microcystis aeruginosa and Anabaena flos-aquae.   Toxicon 24(9):865-873.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ Microcystis/ Anabaena/ peptide/ isolation/ purification/ characterization.
1399.   Krishnamurthy, T.; Szafraniec, L.; and Carmichael, W.W. (1988).   Mass spectral investigations on toxins.   VIII: Elucidation of sequences of amino acids in a Norwegian blue-green algal hepatotoxic peptide.  In:  Technical Report for U.S. Army Armament Munition Chemical Command.   Aberdeen Proving Ground: Maryland.  Report # CRDEC-TR-88073. 27 pp.    Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ amino acid/ Norwegian peptide.
1400.   Krishnamurthy, T.; Szafraniec, L.; Hunt, D. F.; Shabanowitz, J.; Yates III, J. R.; Hauer, C. R.; Carmichael, W. W.; Skulberg, O. M.; Codd, G. A.; and Missler, S.  (1989).   Structural characterization of toxic cyclic peptides from blue-green algae by tandem mass spectrometry.   Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 86(3):770-774.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ Microcystis/ peptides/ mass spectrometry/ HPLC/ characterization/ derivatization.
1401.   Krishnamurthy, T.; Szafraniec, L.; Sarver, E. W.; Hunt, D. F.; Missler, S.; and Carmichael, W. W.  (1985).  Amino acid sequencing of Norwegian fresh water blue-green algal (Microcystis aeruginosa) peptide by FAB-MS/MS technique.  In: Fifth Int. Conference Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy -V.  Sept. 29-Oct. 4, 1985; Washington, D.C.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ Microcystis.  (Abstract)
1402.   Krishnamurthy, T.; Szafraniec, L.; Sarver, E. W.; Hunt, D. F.; Shabanowitz, J.; Carmichael, W. W.; Missler, S.; Skulberg, O. M.; and Codd, G. A.  (1986).  Amino acid analysis of freshwater blue-green algal toxic peptides by fast atom bombardment tandem mass spectrometric technique.  In: Proceedings 34th Ann. Conference Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics.  Cincinnati, Ohio, pp. 93-94.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ peptide/ mass spectrometry/ FAB/ amino acid.  (Abstract)
1403.   Krishnan, G.; Morabito, M. A.; and Moczydlowski, E.  (2001).   Expression and characterization of Flag-epitope- and hexahistidine-tagged derivatives of saxiphilin for use in detection and assay of saxitoxin.   Toxicon 39(2-3):291-301.  Keywords:  saxitoxin/ paralytic shellfish poisoning.
1404.   Kristiansen, J.  (1969).   Rod vandblomst forarsaget av blagronalge.   Freskvandsfiskeribladet 67:88-92.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin.  (Danish)
1405.   Krivtsov, V; Bellinger, E.; Sigee, D.; and Corliss, J.  (2000).   Interrelations between Si and P biogeochemical cycles — a new approach to the solution of the eutrophication problem.   Hydrol. Processes 14(2):283-295.  Keywords:  biogeochemical cycles/ P/ Si/ N/ lake ecosystem/ modeling/ diatoms/ cyanobacteria/ eutrophication/ water quality.
1406.   Krogh, P.  (1983).   Algal toxins in seafood and drinking water.   Chem. Int. 5:45-48.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ products.
1407.   Krogh, P. (1984).   Aquatic (marine and freshwater) biotoxins.  In:  Environment Health Criteria 37.   World Health Organization: Geneva.  95 pp.    Keywords:  cyanotoxin.
1408.   Krogmann, D. W.  (1981).   Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae):  their evolution and relation to other photosynthetic organisms.   Bioscience 31(2):121-124.  Keywords:  cyanobacteria/ evolution.
1409.   Krüger, G. H. J.; Eloff, J. N.; and Pretorius, J. A.  (1981).   Morphological changes in toxic and non-toxic Microcystis isolates at different irradience levels.   J. Phycol. 17(1):52-56.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ Microcystis/ toxic/ nontoxic.
1410.   Kruschwitz, C.; Chorus, I.; Heinze, R.; Schlag, G.; and Grobe, K.  (2001).  Elimination of microcystins in the Rostock drinking water treatment plant.  In: I. Chorus (ed.)  Cyanotoxins:  Occurrence, Causes, Consequences.  Springer-Verlag: New York,  pp. 217-221.  357 pp.  Keywords:  cyanotoxins/ microcystins/ drinking water.
1411.   Ku, N-O.; Zhou, X.; Toivola, D. M.; and Omary, M. B.  (1999).   The cytoskeleton of digestive epithelia in health and disease.   Am. J. Physiol.-Gastrointest. Liver Physiol. 277(6):G1108-G1137.  Keywords:  microfilaments/ microtubules/ intermediate filaments/ keratins/ actin/ tubulin/ microcystin.  (Invited Review)
1412.   Kubik, M. M.  (1995).   The potential for using cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) and algae in the biological control of plant pathogenic bacteria and fungi.   Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 101:585-599.  Keywords:  cyanobacteria/ biological control.
1413.   Kudoh, S.; Kanda, J.; and Takahashi, M.  (1990).   Specific growth rates and grazing mortality of chroococcoid cyanobacteria Synechococcus spp. in pelagic surface waters in the sea.   J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 142(3):201-212.  Keywords:  cyanobacteria/ growth rates/ grazing mortality/ Synechococcus/ surface waters/ sea/ ciliate/ heterotrophic flagellate/ picoplankton/ population size/ Japan.
1414.   Kuentzel, L. E.  (1970).  Bacteria-algae symbiosis  — a cause of algal blooms.  In: National Symposium on Hydrobiology — Bioresources of Shallow Water Environments.  June 24-27;   Keywords:  algal blooms/ cause.
1415.   Kuentzel, L. E.  (1969).   Bacteria, carbon dioxide and algal blooms.   Water Poll. Control Fed. J. 41(3):1737.  Keywords:  algal blooms.
1416.   Kuentzel, L. E.  (1971).  Phosphorus vs. carbon as a factor in algal blooms and deterioration of water quality.  In: Division of Environmental Sciences.  Academy of Sciences: Feb. 3; New York City.  Keywords:  phosphorus/ algal blooms.
1417.   Kuentzel, L. E.  (1971).  Phosphorus vs. carbon in lake pollution.  In: Short Course — Update on Detergents and Raw Materials.  American Oil Chemists Society: June 16; Lake Placid, New York.  Keywords:  phosphorus/ carbon/ pollution.
1418.   Kuiper-Goodman, T.; Falconer, I. R.; and Fitzgerald, J.  (1999).  Human health aspects.  In: I. Chorus and J. Bartram (eds.)  Toxic Cyanobacteria in Water: a Guide to Their Public Health Consequences, Monitoring and Management.  E & FN Spon: London,  pp. 113-153.  416 pp.  Keywords:  cyanobacteria/ human health.
1419.   Kuiper-Goodman, T.; Lawrence, J. F.; and Morrisey, M.  (2001).  Risk assessment of microcystins in blue-green algal health food products.  In: W. J. de Koe, R. A. Samson, H. P. van Egmond, J. Gilbert, and M. Sabino, (eds.)  Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins in Perspective at the Turn of the Millenium.  W.J. de Koe, printed by Ponsen & Looyen: Wageningen, The Netherlands.  pp. 549-556.  574 pp.  Proceedings of Xth International IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins. May 21-25, 2000; Guarujá (Brazil).  Keywords:  microcystins/ blue-green algae/ analysis/ risk assessment/ natural health products.
1420.   Kumar, A.; Singh, D. P.; Tyagi, M. B.; Kumar, A.; Prasuna, E. G.; and Thakur, J. K.  (2000).   Production of hepatotoxin by the cyanobacterium Scytonema sp. strain BT 23.   J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 10(3):375-380.  Keywords:  cyanobacteria/ hepatotoxin/ microcystin/ Scytonema sp./ toxin.
1421.   Kumar, H. D. and Gorham, P. R.  (1975).   Effects of acridine dyes and other substances on growth, lysis and toxicity of axenic Anabaena flos-aquae NRC-44-1.   Biochem. Physiol. Pflanzen BPP(167):473-487.  Keywords:  growth/ lysis/ toxicity/ Anabaena flos-aquae/ acridine dye.
1422.   Kun, M. S.  (1960).   On the causes of carp disease in the Volga delta.   Zoologicheskii Zh. (Mosc.) 39:1531-1537.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ carp disease/ Volga delta.
1423.   Kungsuwan, A.; Noguchi, T.; Matsunaga, S.; Watanabe, M. F.; Watabe, S.; and Hashimoto, K.  (1988).   Properties of two toxins isolated from the blue-green alga Microcystis aeruginosa.   Toxicon 26(2):119-125.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ properties/ Microcystis aeruginosa.
1424.   Kungsuwan, A.; Noguchi, T.; Watanabe, M. F.; Matsunaga, S.; Watanabe, S.; and Hashimoto, K.  (1987).   Isolation of two toxins from the blue-green alga Microcystis aeruginosa.   Nippon Suis. Gak. 53(11):2051-2054.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ Microcystis aeruginosa/ isolation.
1425.   Kurki-Helasmo, K. and Meriluoto, J.  (1998).   Microcystin uptake inhibits growth and protein phosphatase activity in mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seedlings.   Toxicon 36(12):1921-1926.  Keywords:  microcystin uptake/ growth inhibition/ mustard/ Sinapis alba.
1426.   Kurmayer, R.; Christiansen, G.; and Chorus, I.  (2003).   The abundance of microcystin-producing genotypes correlates positively with colony size in Microcystis sp. and determines its microcystin net production in Lake Wannsee.   Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 69(2):787-795.  Keywords:  Microcystis aeruginosa/ cyanobacteria/ diversity/ Daphnia/ phytoplankton/ Planktothrix/ biosynthesis/ zooplankton/ Cyanophyta/ buoyancy/ Lake Wannsee/ Berlin, Germany.
1427.   Kurmayer, R.; Dittmann, E.; Fastner, J.; and Chorus, I.  (2002).   Diversity of microcystin genes within a population of the toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis spp. in Lake Wannsee (Berlin, Germany).   Microbial Ecol. 43(1):107-118.  Keywords:  nonribosomal peptide-synthesis/ blue-green algae/ adenylation domains/ Microcystis aeruginosa PCC-7806/ strains/ phytoplankton/ biosynthesis/ synthetases/ Cyanophyta/ Lake Wannsee/ Berlin, Germany.
1428.   Kurmayer, R. and Jüttner, F.  (1999).   Strategies for the co-existence of zooplankton with the toxic cyanobacterium Planktothrix rubescens in Lake Zürich.   J. Plankton Res. 21(4):659-683.  Keywords:  zooplankton/ Planktothrix rubescens/ coexistence/ Lake Zürich.
1429.   Kurmayer, R. and Kutzenberger, T.  (2003).   Application of real-time PCR for quantification of microcystin genotypes in a population of the toxic cyanobacerium Microcystis sp.   Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 69(11):6723-6730.  Keywords:  quantification/ microcystin/ genotypes/ Microcystis/ Kütz. emend Elenkin/ isolated strains/ natural blooms/ Lake Wannsee/ purification/ growth/ water/ LR/ Berlin, Germany.
1430.   Kushak, R.; Drapeau, C.; Vancott, E.; and Winter, H.  (1999).   Blue-green alga Aphanizomenon flos-aquae as a source of dietary polyunsaturated fatty-acids and a hypocholesterolemic agent.   Abstr. Papers Am. Chem. Soc. 217:45.  Keywords:  Aphanizomenon flos-aquae / source/ polyunsaturated fatty-acids.  (Meeting Abstract)
1431.   Kusumi, T.; Ooi, T.; Watanabe, M.; and Kakisawa, H.  (1987).  Structure of cyanoviridin RR, a toxin from the cyanobacterium (blue-green alga) Microcystis viridis.  In: Proceedings 29th Symposium, Chemistry Natural Products.  pp. 536-543.  Sapporo, Japan.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ Microcystis viridis/ cyanoviridin.  (Japanese)
1432.   Kusumi, T.; Ooi, T.; Watanabe, M. M.; Takahashi, H.; and Kakisawa, H.  (1987).   Cyanoviridin-RR, a toxin from the cyanobacterium, (blue-green alga) Microcystis viridis.   Tetrahed. Lett. 28(40):4695-4698.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ Microcystis viridis/ cyanoviridin.
1433.   Kyselkova, I. and Marsálek, B.  (2000).   Using of Daphnia pulex, Artemia salina and Tubifex tubifex for cyanobacterial microcystins toxicity detection.   Biologia 55(6):637-643.  Keywords:  cyanobacteria/ microcystins/ fractionation/ acute toxicity tests/ Artemia salina/ Daphnia pulex/ Tubifex tubifex.
1434.   Laamanen, M. J.; Forsstrom, L.; and Sivonen, K.  (2002).   Diversity of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (cyanobacterium) populations along a Baltic Sea salinity gradient.   Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 68(11):5296-5303.  Keywords:  blue-green algae/ Nodularia/ cyanobacteria/ genetic diversity/ filaments/ evolution/ taxonomy/ blooms/ region/ waters/ genus/ Baltic Sea/ Aphanizomenon flos-aquae.
1435.   Laamanen, M. J.; Gugger, M. F.; Lehtimäki, J. M.; Haukka, K.; and Sivonen, K.  (2001).   Diversity of toxic and nontoxic Nodularia isolates (cyanobacteria) and filaments from the Baltic Sea.   Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 67(10):4638-4647.  Keywords:  ribosomal-RNA/ genetic diversity/ phylogeny/ Nodularia spumigena/ strains/ polymorphisms/ Cyanophyceae/ Microcystis variability/ sequences/ Baltic Sea.
1436.   Lagos, N.  (1998).   Microalgal blooms—a global issue with negative impact in Chile.   Biological Res. 31(4):375-386.  Keywords:  blooms/ negative impact/ Chile.
1437.   Lagos, N.; Onodera, H.; Zagatto, P. A.; Andrinolo, D.; Azevedo, S. M. F. O.; and Oshima, Y.  (1999).   The first evidence of paralytic shellfish toxins in the freshwater cyanobacterium Cylindrospermposis raciborskii, isolated from Brazil.   Toxicon 37(10):1359-1373.  Keywords:  evidence/ paralytic shellfish toxins/ frehswater/ Cylindrospermposis raciborskii/ Brazil.
1438.   Lahti, K.; Ahtiainen, J.; Rapala, J.; Sivonen, K.; and Niemelä, S. I.  (1995).   Assessment of rapid bioassays for detecting cyanobacterial toxicity.   Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 21(2):109-114.  Keywords:  cyanobacterial toxicity detection/ bioassays/ assessment.
1439.   Lahti, K.; Rapala, J.; Färdig, M.; Niemelä, M.; and Sivonen, K.  (1997).   Persistence of cyanobacterial hepatotoxin, microcystin-LR in particulate material and dissolved in lake water.   Water Res. 31(5):1005-1012.  Keywords:  cyanobacteria/ hepatotoxin/ microcystin-LR.
1440.   Lahti, K.; Rapala, J.; Kivimaki, A. L.; Kukkonen, J.; Niemelä, M.; and Sivonen, K.  (2001).   Occurrence of microcystins in raw water sources and treated drinking water of Finnish waterworks.   Water Sci. Technol. 43(12):225-228.  Keywords:  microcystin/ cyanobacteria/ drinking water/ water treatment/ Planktothrix agardhii/ Finland.
1441.   Lai, J. Y.; Yu, J. R.; Mekonnen, B.; and Falck, J. R.  (1996).   Synthesis of curacin A, an antimitotic cyclopropane thiazoline from the marine cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula.   Tetrahed. Lett. 37(40):7167-7170.  Keywords:  synthesis/ curacin A/ Lyngbya majuscula.
1442.   Lam, A. K-Y.; Fedorak, P. M.; and Prepas, E. E.  (1995).   Biotransformation of the cyanobacterial hepatotoxin microcystin-LR, as determined by HPLC and protein phosphatase bioassay.   Environ. Sci. Technol. 29(1):242-246.  Keywords:  biotransformation/ microcystin-LR/ HPLC/ PPIA.
1443.   Lam, A. K. Y. and Prepas, E. E.  (1997).    In situ evaluation of options for chemical treatment of hepatotoxic cyanobacterial blooms.   Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.  54(8):1736-1742.  Keywords:  cyanobacterial blooms/ hepatotoxic.
1444.   Lam, A. K. Y.; Prepas, E. E.; Spink, D.; and Hrudey, S. E.  (1995).   Chemical control of hepatotoxic phytoplankton blooms:  implications for human health.   Water Res. 29(8):1845-1854.  Keywords:  hepatotoxic phytoplankton blooms/ chemical control/ human health implications/ cyanobacteria/ microcystin-LR/ diquat/ chlorine/ potassium permanganate/ simazine/ alum/ lime/ drinking water.
1445.   Lam, P. K. S.; Yang, M.; and Lam, M. H. W.  (2000).   Toxicology and evaluation of microcystins.   Therapeut. Drug Monit. 22(1):69-72.  Keywords:  microcystins/ evalution/ toxicology.
1446.   Lambert, T. W.; Boland, M. P.; Holmes, C. F. B.; and Hrudey, S. E.  (1994).   Quantitation of the microcystin hepatotoxins in water at environmentally relevant concentrations with the protein phosphatase assay.   Environ. Sci. Technol. 28 (4):753-755.  Keywords:  quantitation/ microcystin hepatotoxins/ protein phosphatase assay.
1447.   Lambert, T. W.; Holmes, C. F. B.; and Hrudey, S. E.  (1996).   Adsorption of microcystin-LR by activated carbon and removal in full scale water treatment.   Water Res. 30(6):1411-1422.  Keywords:  microcystin-LR/ water treatment/ activated carbon.
1448.   Lambert, T. W.; Holmes, C. F. B.; and Hrudey, S. E.  (1994).   Microcystin class of toxin:  health effects and safety of drinking water supplies.   Environ. Rev. 2(2):167-186.  Keywords:  microcystin/ drinking water/ health effects.
1449.   Lampert, W.  (1982).   Further studies on the inhibitory effect of the toxic blue-green Microcystis aeruginosa  on the filtering rate of zooplankton.   Arch. Hydrobiol. 95(Oct.):207-220.  Keywords:  inhibition/ filtering rate/ zooplankton.
1450.   Lampert, W.  (1981).   Inhibitory and toxic effects of blue-green algae on Daphnia.   Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. 66:285-298.  Keywords:  effects/ cyanbacteria/ Daphnia.
1451.   Lampert, W.  (1987).   Laboratory studies on zooplankton-cyanobacteria interactions.   NZ. J. Mar. Freshwater Res. 21(3):483-490.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ zooplankton/ interactions.
1452.   Lampert, W.  (1981).   Toxicity of the blue-green Microcystis aeruginosa:  effective defense mechanism against grazing pressure by Daphnia.   Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 21(3):1436-1440.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ Microcystis aeruginosa/ grazing defense/ Daphnia.
1453.   Lanaras, T. and Cook, C. M.  (1994).   Toxin extraction from an Anabaenopsis milleri dominated bloom.   Sci. Total Environ. 142(3):163-169.  Keywords:  toxin extraction/ Anabaenopsis milleri/ bloom/ hepatotoxins/ cyanobacteria/ microcystin.
1454.   Lanaras, T.; Cook, C. M.; Eriksson, J. E.; and Meriluoto, J. A. O.  (1989).  Cyanobacterial toxins in Greek bloom material.  In: 10th Annual Symposium Finnish Society of Toxicology.  May 19-20, 1989; Åbo Akademi, Turku, Finland.  Keywords:  cyanotoxins/ Greece.  (Poster)
1455.   Lanaras, T.; Cook, C. M.; Eriksson, J. E.; Meriluoto, J. A. O.; and Hotokka, M.  (1991).   Computer modeling of the 3-dimensional structures of the cyanobacterial hepatotoxins microcystin-LR and nodularin.   Toxicon 29(7):901-906.  Keywords:  computer modeling/ structure/ microcystin-LR/ nodularin.
1456.   Lanaras, T.; Tsitsamis, S.; Chlichlia, C.; and Cook, C. M.  (1989).   Toxic cyanobacteria in Greek freshwaters.   J. Appl. Phycol. 1:67-73.  Keywords:  cyanotoxins/ Greece/ freshwater.
1457.   Landsberg, J. H.  (2002).   The effects of harmful algal blooms on aquatic organisms.   Rev. Fish. Sci. 10(2):113-390.  Keywords:  harmful algal blooms/ effects/ aquatic organisms/ toxins.
1458.   Lankoff, A.; Banasik, A.; and Nowak, M.  (2002).   Protective effect of melatonin against nodularin-induced oxidative stress in mouse liver.   Arch. Toxicol. 76 (3):158-165.  Keywords:  melatonin/ nodularin/ antioxidant/ enzymes/ liver/ mice.
1459.   Lankoff, A.; Banasik, A.; Obe, G.; Deperas, M.; Kuzminski, K.; Tarczynska, M.; Jurczak, T.; and Wojcik, A.  (2003).   Effect of microcystin-LR and cyanobacterial extract from Polish reservoir of drinking water on cell cycle progression, mitotic spindle, and apoptosis in CHO-K1 cells.   Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 189(3):204-213.  Keywords:  microcystin-LR/ CHO-K1 cells/ mitotic spindle/ polyploid cells/ apoptosis/ Poland/ drinking water.
1460.   Lankoff, A. and Kolataj, A.  (2001).   Influence of microcystin-YR and nodularin on the activity of some proteolytic enzymes in mouse liver.   Toxicon 39(2-3):419-423.  Keywords:  microcystin-YR/ nodularin/ lysosomal enzymes/ liver enzymes.
1461.   Lankoff, A. and Kolataj, A.  (2000).   Influence of microcystine-YR and nodularin on the activity of some glucosidases in mouse liver.   Toxicology 146(2-3):177-185.  Keywords:  microcystine-YR/ nodularin/ lysosomal enzymes/ liver/ mice.
1462.   Laub, J.; Henriksen, P.; Brittain, S. M.; Wang, J.; Carmichael, W. W.; Rinehart, K. L.; and Moestrup, Ø.  (2002).   [ADMAdda(5)]-microcystins in Planktothrix agardhii strain PH-123 (cyanobacteria) — importance for monitoring of microcystins in the environment.   Environ. Toxicol. 17(4):351-357.  Keywords:  cyanobacteria/ Planktothrix agardhii/ hepatotoxins/ microcystins/ protein phosphatase inhibition/ cyclic heptapeptide hepatotoxins/ blue-green-alga/ Oscillatoria agardhii/ protein phosphatases/ Nostoc/ inhibition/ aeruginosa/ toxins/ lake.
1463.   Laurén-Määttä, C.; Hietala, J.; Reinikainen, M.; and Walls, M.  (1995).   Do Microcystis aerginosa  toxins accumulate in the food web:  a laboratory study.   Hydrobiologia 304:23-27.  Keywords:  Microcysis aeruginosa/ toxins/ accumulation/ food.
1464.   Laurén-Määttä, C.; Hietala, J.; and Walls, M.  (1997).   Responses of Daphnia pulex populations to toxic cyanobacteria.   Freshwater Biol. 37(3):635-647.  Keywords:  Daphnia pulex/ cyanobacteria.
1465.   Laurén-Määttä, S.; Kleiven, O.; and Kiviranta, J.  (1997).   Horizontal distribution of Daphnia pulex in response to toxic and non-toxic algal extracts.   J. Plankton Res. 19(1):141-148.  Keywords:  horizontal distribution/ Daphnia pulex/ algal extracts.
1466.   Lavigne, P.; Bagu, J. R.; Boyko, R.; Willard, L.; Holmes, C. F. B.; and Sykes, B. D.  (2000).   Structure-based thermodynamic analysis of the dissociation of protein phosphatase-1 catalytic subunit and microcystin-LR docked complexes.   Protein Sci. 9(2):252-264.  Keywords:  complex dissociation/ docking/ microcystin-LR/ NMR/ protein phosphatase-1/ structure-based thermodynamics.
1467.   Lawrence, J. F. and Menàrd, C.  (2001).   Determination of microcystins in blue-green algae, fish and water using liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection after sample clean-up employing immunoaffinity chromatography.   J. Chromat. A 922(1-2):111-117.  Keywords:  clean-up methods/ immunoaffinity cartridges/ microcystins/ toxins.
1468.   Lawrence, J. F. and Niedzwiadek, B.  (2001).   Quantitative determination of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins in shellfish by using prechromatographic oxidation and liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection.   J. Assoc. Off. Analyt. Chem. Int. 84(4):1099-1108.  Keywords:  paralytic shellfish poisoning/ determination.
1469.   Lawrence, J. F.; Niedzwiadek, B.; Menàrd, C.; Lau, B. P. Y.; Lewis, D.; Kuiper-Goodman, T.; Carbone, S.; and Holmes, C.  (2001).   Comparison of liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry, ELISA, and phosphatase assay for the determination of microcystins in blue-green algae products.   J. Assoc. Off. Analyt. Chem. Int. 84(4):1035-1044.  Keywords:  cyanobacterial toxins/ enzyme-immunoassay/ inhibition assay/ water/ samples.
1470.   Lawton, L. A.; Campbell, D. L.; Beattie, K. A.; and Codd, G. A.  (1990).   Use of rapid bioluminescence assay for detecting cyanobacterial microcystin toxicity.   Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 11(4):205-207.  Keywords:  rapid bioluminescence assay/ detecting/ microcystin/ toxicity.
1471.   Lawton, L. A. and Codd, G. A.  (1991).   Cyanobacterial (blue-green algal) toxins and their significance in UK and European waters.   J. Inst. Water Environ. Manage. 5(4):460-465.  Keywords:  cyanobacterial toxins/ significance/ UK/ Europe.
1472.   Lawton, L. A. and Codd, G. A.  (1988).   Effects of cyanobacterial peptide toxins on the ciliate Paramecium.   Br. Phycol. J. 23(3):292.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ peptide/ Paramecium.  (Meeting Abstract)
1473.   Lawton, L. A.; Cornish, B. J. P. A.; and MacDonald, A. W. R.  (1998).   Removal of cyanobacterial toxins (microcystins) and cyanobacterial cells from drinking water using domestic water filters.   Water Res. 32(3):633-638.  Keywords:  microcystin toxin removal/ drinking water/ domestic water filters.
1474.   Lawton, L. A. and Edwards, C.  (2001).   Review—Purification of microcystins.   J. Chromat. A 912:191-209.  Keywords:  reviews/ microcystins/ purification.
1475.   Lawton, L. A.; Edwards, C.; Beattie, K. A.; Pleasance, S.; Dear, G. J.; and Codd, G. A.  (1995).   Isolation and characterization of microcystins from laboratory cultures and environmental samples of Microcystis aeruginosa and from an associated animal toxicosis.   Natural Toxins 3:50-57.  Keywords:  microcystin/ Microcystis aeruginosa.
1476.   Lawton, L. A.; Edwards, C.; and Codd, G. A.  (1994).   Extraction and high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of microcystins in raw and treated waters.   Analyst 119(7):1525-1530.  Keywords:  HPLC/ microcystins/ determination/ raw and treated water.
1477.   Lawton, L. A.; McElhiney, J.; and Edwards, C.  (1999).   Purification of closely eluting hydrophobic microcystins (peptide cyanotoxins) by normal-phase and reversed-phase flash chromatography.   J. Chromat. A. 848(1-2):515-522.  Keywords:  purification/ hydrophobic microcystins/ chromatography.
1478.   Lawton, L. A. and Robertson, P. K. J.  (1999).   Physico-chemical treatment methods for the removal of microcystins (cyanobacterial hepatotoxins) from potable waters.   Chem. Soc. Rev. 28(4):217-224.  Keywords:  treatment methods/ microcystin removal/ potable waters.
1479.   Lawton, L. A.; Robertson, P. K. J.; Cornish, B. J. P. A; and Jaspars, M.  (1999).   Detoxification of microcystins (cyanobacterial hepatotoxins) using TiO2 photocatalytic oxidation.   Environ. Sci. Technol. 33 (5):771-775.  Keywords:  microcystins/ detoxification/ photocatalytic oxidation.
1480.   Lawton, L. A.; Robertson, P. K. J.; Cornish, B. J. P. A.; Marr, I. L.; and Jaspars, M.  (2003).   Processes influencing surface interaction and photocatalytic destruction of microcystins on titanium dioxide photocatalysts.   J. Catalysis 213(1):109-113.  Keywords:  TiO2/ photocatalysis/ surface adsorption/ microcystins/ cyanotoxins/ structure-degradation relationship.
1481.   Laybourn-Parry, J.; Jones, K.; and Holdrich, J. P.  (1987).   Grazing by Mayorella sp. (protozoa:  Sarcodina) on cyanobacteria.   Functional Ecol. 1:99-104.  Keywords:  protozoa/ cyanobacteria.
1482.   Leal, R. B.; Sim, A. T. R.; Goncalves, C. A. S.; and Dunkley, P. R.  (2002).   Tyrosine hydroxylase dephosphorylation by protein phosphatase 2A in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells.   Neurochem. Res. 27(3):207-213.  Keywords:  tyrosine hydroxylase/ protein dephosphorylation/ protein phosphatase 2A/ microcystin/ chromaffin cells/ cell permeabilization.
1483.   LeClaire, R. D.; Lawrence, W. B.; Bostian, K. A., and Mereish, K. A.  (1988).  Acute toxicity of microcystin-LR in the rat: A comparative dose-response study using serum chemistries and mortality as indices.  Toxicologist.  8(1):221.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/microcystin-LR/rat/dose-response.  (Ann. Meeting S.O.T., Dallas, TX — Abstract)
1484.   LeClaire, R. D.; Parker, G. W.; and Franz, D. R.  (1995).   Hemodynamic and calorimetric changes induced by microcystin-LR in the rat.   J. Appl. Toxicol. 15(4):303-311.  Keywords:  microcystin-LR/ hemodynamic changes/ calorimetri changes/ rat.
1485.   LeDoux, M. and Hall, S.  (2000).   Proficiency testing of eight French laboratories in using the AOAC mouse bioassay for paralytic shellfish poisoning:  interlaboratory collaborative study.   J. Assoc. Off. Analyt. Chem. Int. 83(2):305-310.  Keywords:  paralytic shellfish poisoning/ proficiency/ French laboratories/ mouse bioassay.
1486.   Lee, E. S. J. and Gleason, F. K.  (1994).   A second algicidal natural product from the cyanobacterium Scytonema hofmanni.   Plant Sci. 103(2):155-160.  Keywords:  algicidal natural product/ Scytonema hofmanni.
1487.   Lee, E. Y. C.  (1995).   The enzymology of phosphorylase phosphatase (protein phosphatase-1) — a personal perspective.   Zoological Stud. 34(3):149-163.  Keywords:  PP1/ enzymology.
1488.   Lee, S. J.; Jang, M. H.; Kim, H. S.; Yoon, B. D.; and Oh, H. M.  (2000).   Variation of microcystin content of Microcystis aeruginosa relative to medium N : P ratio and growth stage.   J. Appl. Microbiol. 89(2):323-329.  Keywords:  cyanobacteria/ Microcystis aeruginosa/ environmental factors.
1489.   Lee, T.; Tsuzuki, M.; Takeuchi, T.; Yokoyama, K.; and Karube, I.  (1994).   In vivo fluorometric method for early detection of cyanobacterial waterblooms.   J. Appl. Phycol. 6(5-6):489-495.  Keywords:  fluorometric method/ detection/ cyanobacterial waterblooms/ monitoring/ Microcystis aeruginosa/ in vivo/ fluorescence.
1490.   Lee, T-H.; Chen, Y-M.; and Chou, H-N.  (1998).   First report of microcystins in Taiwan.   Toxicon 36(2):247-255.  Keywords:  microcystins/ Taiwan.
1491.   Lee, T. H. and Chou, H. N.  (2000).   Isolation and identification of seven microcystins from a cultured M.TN-2 strain of Microcystis aeruginosa.   Botan. Bull. Acad. Sinica 41(3):197-202.  Keywords:  cyanobacteria/ hepatotoxin/ microcystin.
1492.   Lee, T. J.; Nakano, K.; and Matsumura, M.  (2002).   A novel strategy for cyanobacterial bloom control by ultrasonic irradiation.   Water Sci. Technol. 46(6-7):207-215.  Keywords:  cyanobacteria/ flow cytometry/ gas vacuoles/ Myxobacter/ ultrasonic irradiation.
1493.   Leeuwangh, P.; Kappers, F. I.; Dekker, M.; and Koerselman, W.  (1983).   Toxicity of cyanobacteria in Dutch lakes and reservoirs.   Aquat. Toxicol. 4:63-72.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ Dutch lakes.
1494.   Lefevre, M.  (1964).  Extracellular products of algae.  In: D. F. Jackson (ed.)  Algae and Man.  Plenum Press: New York,  pp. 337-367.  434 pp.  Keywords:  cyanotoxins.
1495.   Lehtimäki, J.; Lyra, C.; Suomalainen, S.; Sundman, P.; Rouhiainen, L.; Paulin, L.; Salkinoja-Salonen, M.; and Sivonen, K.  (2000).   Characterization of Nodularia strains, cyanobacteria from brackish waters, by genotypic and phenotypic methods.   Int. J. Sys. Evol. Microbiol. 50(Pt. 3):1043-1053.  Keywords:  Nodularia cyanobacterium/ RFLP/ 16S rDNA sequencing/ REP-and ERIC-PCR/ ribotyping/ Baltic Sea/ Australian waters.
1496.   Lehtimäki, J.; Moisander, P.; Sivonen, K.; and Kononen, K.  (1997).   Growth, nitrogen fixation and nodularin production by two Baltic Sea cyanobacteria.   Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 63(5):1647-1656.  Keywords:  cyanobacteria/ growth/ nodularin production/ Baltic Sea.
1497.   Lehtimäki, J.; Sivonen, K.; Luukkainen, R.; and Niemelä, S. I.  (1994).   The effects of incubation time, temperature, light, salinity, and phosphorus on growth and hepatotoxin production by Nodularia strains.   Arch. Hydrobiol. 130(3):269-282.  Keywords:  effects/ growth/ hepatotoxin production/ incubation time/ temperature/ light/ salinity/ phosphorus/ Nodularia.
1498.   Lehtiniemi, M.; Engström-Ost, J.; Karjalainen, M.; Kozlowsky-Suzuki, B.; and Viitasalo, M.  (2002).   Fate of cyanobacterial toxins in the pelagic food web:  transfer to copepods or to faecal pellets?   Mar. Ecol.–Prog. Ser. 241:13-21.  Keywords:  cyanobacterial toxin/ Nodularia spumigena/ toxin transfer/ copepods/ faecal pellets/ Baltic Sea.
1499.   Lehtonen, K. K.; Kankaanpää, H.; Leinio, S.; Sipiä, V. O.; Pflugmacher, S.; and Sandberg-Kilpi, E.  (2003).   Accumulation of nodularin-like compounds from the cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena and changes in acetylcholinesterase activity in the clam Macoma balthica during short-term laboratory exposure.   Aquat. Toxicol. 64(4):461-476.  Keywords:  acetylcholinesterase/ bioaccumulation/ cyanobacteria/ Macoma balthica/ Nodularia spumigena/ nodularin/ Northern Baltic Sea.
1500.   Leiers, T.; Bihlmayer, A.; Ammon, H. P. T.; and Wahl, M. A.  (2000).   [Ca2+]i(-) and insulin-stimulating effect of the non-membranepermeable phosphatase-inhibitor microcystin-LR in intact insulin-secreting cells (RINm5F).   Br. J. Pharmacol. 130(6):1406-1410.  Keywords:  microcystin-LR/ insulin stimulation.
1501.   Lem, N. W. and Glick, B. R.  (1985).   Biotechnological uses of cyanobacteria.   Biotechnol. Adv. 3:195-208.  Keywords:  cyanobacteria/ biotechnology.
1502.   Lenarcic, B.; Krishnan, G.; Borukhovich, R.; Ruck, B.; Turk, V.; and Moczydlowski, E.  (2000).   Saxiphilin, a saxitoxin-binding protein with two thyroglobulin type 1 domains, is an inhibitor of papain-like cysteine proteinases.   J. Biol. Chem. 275(20):15572-15577.  Keywords:  ray crystal structure/ cathepsin-b/ transferrin family/ molecular cloning/ Rana catesbeiana/ occluding loop/ stefin-b/ bullfrog/ reveals/ chromatography.
1503.   Leon, L. De and Yunes, J. S.  (2001).   First report of a microcystin-containing bloom of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa in the La Plata River, South America.   Environ. Toxicol. 16(1):110-112.  Keywords:  freshwater/ Microcystis/ La Plata River, South America.
1504.   Leppänen, J-M.; Rantajärvi, E.; Hällfors, S.; Kruskopf, M.; and Laine, V.  (1995).   Unattended monitoring of potentially toxic phytoplankton species in the Baltic Sea in 1993.   J. Plankton Res. 17(4):891-902.  Keywords:  monitoring/ toxic phytoplankton/ Baltic Sea/ Nodularia spumigena.
1505.   Levin, R. B.; Epstein, P. R.; Ford, T. E.; Harrington, W.; Olson, E.; and Reichard, E. G.  (2002).   U.S. drinking water challenges in the twenty-first century.   Environ. Health Perspect. 110(1):43-52.  Keywords:  drinking water/ federal regulations/ global warming/ groundwater/ public infrastructure/ surface water/ waterborne disease.
1506.   Lewin, W. C.; Kamjunke, N.; and Mehner, T.  (2003).   Phosphorus uptake by Microcystis during passage through fish guts.   Limnol. Oceanogr. 48(6):2392-2396.  Keywords:  roach Rutilus rutilus/ perch Perca fluviatilis/ food consumption/ eutrophic lake/ selective filtration/ cyanobacteria/ algae/ consequences/ herbivory/ growth/ phosphorus uptake/ Microcystis/ fish gut.
1507.   Li, M. and Damuni, Z.  (1994).   Okadaic acid and microcystin-LR directly inhibit the methylation of protein phosphatase 2A by its specific methyltransferase.   Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 202(2):1023-1030.  Keywords:  okadaic  acid/ microcystin-LR/ methylation inhibition/ PP2A.
1508.   Li, P. C. H.; Hu, S.; and Lam, P. K. S.  (1999).   Development of a capillary zone electrophoretic method for the rapid separation and detection of hepatotoxic microcystins.   Mar. Poll. Bull. 39(1-12):250-254.  Keywords:  microcystins/ detection/ separation/ method development.
1509.   Li, R.; Carmichael, W. W.; Brittain, S.; Eaglesham, G. K.; Shaw, G. R.; Mahakhant, A.; Noparatnaraporn, N.; Yongmanitchai, W.; Kaya, K.; and Watanabe, M. M.  (2001).   Isolation and identification of the cyanotoxin cylindrospermopsin and deoxy-cylindrospermopsin from a Thailand strain of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (cyanobacteria).   Toxicon 39(7):973-980.  Keywords:  Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii/ cylindrospermopsin/ cyanotoxin/ Thailand/ Seenaya et Subba Raju.
1510.   Li, R.; Carmichael, W. W.; Liu, Y.; and Watanabe, M. M.  (2000).   Taxonomic re-evaluation of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae NH-5 based on morphology and 16S rRNA gene sequences.   Hydrobiologia 438(1):99-105.  Keywords:  taxonomy/ Aphanizomenon flos-aquae/ 16S rRNA.
1511.   Li, R. H.; Carmichael, W. W.; Brittain, S.; Eaglesham, G. K.; Shaw, G. R.; Liu, Y-D.; and Watanabe, M. M.  (2001).   First report of the cyanotoxins cylindrospermopsin and deoxycylindrospermopsin from Raphidiopsis curvata (cyanobacteria).   J. Phycol. 37(6):1121-1126.  Keywords:  China/ cyanotoxins/ cylindrospermopsin (CYN)/ deoxycylindrospermopsin (deoxy-CYN)/ cyanobacteria/ Raphidiopsis curvata.
1512.   Li, R. H.; Carmichael, W. W.; and Pereira, P.  (2003).   Morphological and 16S rRNA gene evidence for reclassification of the paralytic shellfish toxin producing Aphanizomenon flos-aquae LMECYA 31 as  Aphanizomenon issatschenkoi (Cyanophyceae).   J. Phycol. 39(4):814-818.  Keywords:  Aphanizomenon flos-aquae/ Aphanizomenon issatschenkoi/ cyanotoxin/ 16S rDNA/ morphology/ gene sequences/ taxonomy.
1513.   Li, W. I.; Berman, F. W.; Okino, T.; Gerwick, W. H.; and Murray, T. F.  (2000).   Antillatoxin, a neurotoxin from the cyanobacteria Lyngbya majuscula, modulates [H-3]batrachotoxin a 20-alpha-benzoate (BTX-B) binding in intact cerebellar granule cells.   FASEB J. 14(8):944, A1476.  Keywords:  cyanobacteria/ antillatoxin/ cytotoxin.  (Meeting Abstract)
1514.   Li, X. Y.; Liu, Y. D.; Song, L. R.; and Liu, H. T.  (2003).   Responses of antioxidant systems in the hepatocytes of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) to the toxicity of microcystin-LR.   Toxicon 42(1):85-89.  Keywords:  microcystin-LR/ antioxidant system/ common carp/ hepatocyte/ glutathione/ superoxide dismutase/ catalase/ glutathione peroxide/ glutathione S-transferase/ reactive oxygen species/ Dianchi Lake/ China/ Microcystis aeruginosa/ Cyprinus carpio L.
1515.   Li, Y.; Llewellyn, L.; and Moczydlowski, E.  (1993).   Biochemical and immunochemical comparison of saxiphilin and transferrin, two structurally related plasma proteins from Rana catesbeiana.   Mol. Pharmacol. 44(4):742-748.  Keywords:  comparison/ saxiphilin/ transferrin/ Rana catesbeiana.
1516.   Liebig, J. R.  (1997).  Feeding behavior of zebra mussels in Saginaw Bay:  selection for change.  40th Conference of the International Association for Great Lakes Research.  International Association for Great Lakes Research: pp. 71.  June 1-5, 1997; Buffalo, New York.  Keywords:  assimilation rates/ feeding behavio/ filtering rates/ food intake rates/ seasonality/ selective rejection mechanism.
1517.   Lightner, D. V.  (1978).   Possible toxic effects of the marine blue-green alga, Spirulina subsalsa, on the blue shrimp, Panaeus stylirostris.   J. Invert. Pathol. 32:139-150.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ Spirulina subsalsa/ Lyngbya/ Panaeus stylirostris/ blue shrimp.
1518.   Lilleheil, G.; Andersen, R. A.; Skulberg, O. M.; and Alexander, J.  (1997).   Effects of homoanatoxin-a containing extract from Oscillatoria formosa (Cyanophyceae/cyanobacteria) on neuromuscular transmission.   Toxicon 35(8):1275-1289.  Keywords:  homoanatoxin-a/ Oscillatoria formosa/ effects/ neurouscular transmission.
1519.   Lin, J. R. and Chu, F. S.  (1994).   In vitro neutralization of the inhibitory effect of microcystin-LR to protein phosphatase 2A by antibody against the toxin.   Toxicon 32(5):605-613.  Keywords:  neutralization/ inhibitory effect/ microcystin-LR/ PP2A/ antibody.
1520.   Lin, J. R. and Chu, F. S.  (1994).   Kinetics of distribution of microcystin-LR in serum and liver cytosol of mice:  an immunochemical analysis.   J. Agric. Food Chem. 42(4):1035-1040.  Keywords:  microcystin-LR/ serum/ liver/ mice.
1521.   Lincoln, E. P. and Carmichael, W. W.  (1981).  Preliminary tests of toxicity of Synechocystis sp. grown on wastewater medium.  In: W. W. Carmichael (ed.)  The Water Environment:  Algal Toxins and Health.  Plenum Press: New York,  pp. 223-230.  491 pp.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ Synechocystis.
1522.   Lincoln, R. A.; Strupinski, K.; and Walker, J. M.  (1991).   Bioactive compounds from algae.   Life Chem. Rep. 8:97-183.  Keywords:  bioactive compounds/ cytotoxins.
1523.   Lincoln, R. A.; Strupinski, K.; and Walker, J. M.  (1990).   Use of an isolated guinea-pig ileum assay to detect bioactive compounds in microalgal cultures.   J. Appl. Phycol. 2:83-88.  Keywords:  bioactive compounds/ guinea-pig ileum.
1524.   Lincoln, R. A.; Strupinski, K.; and Walker, J. M.  (1996).   The use of Artemia nauplii (brine shrimp larvae) to detect toxic compounds from microalgal cultures.   Int. J. Pharmacog. 34(5):384-389.  Keywords:  Artemia nauplii/ brine shrimp/ microalgae.
1525.   Lind, M. G.; Edler, L.; Fernö, S.; Lundberg, R.; and Nilsson, P. O.  (1983).   Risken for algforgiftning har okat - hundar avled efter bad i sodra Ostersjoen.   Läkartidningen 80(28-29):2734-2737.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin.  (Norwegian)
1526.   Lindgren, B.; Stjernlöf, P.; and Trogen, L.  (1987).   Synthesis of anatoxin-a, a constituent of blue-green freshwater algae.   Acta Chem. Scand. B41:180-183.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ anatoxin/ synthesis.
1527.   Lindholm, T.  (1991).  Från Havsvik till Insjö.  Miljö för laget: Åbo. 160 pp.   Keywords:  cyanotoxin.  (Swedish)
1528.   Lindholm, T.  (1987).   Giftiga alger - ett aktuellt vattenvardsproblem.   Finsk Tidskr. 7:395-402.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin.  (Swedish)
1529.   Lindholm, T.  (1988).  Toxic cyanobacteria, water quality criteria and monitoring problems.  In: Toxinproducing Algae.  Oct. 20-21, 1988; Olso, Norway.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ water quality/ criteria/ monitoring.  (Meeting Abstract)
1530.   Lindholm, T.; Al-Layl, K. J.; Meriluoto, J. A. O.; Eriksson, J. E.; and Codd, G. A.  (1989).  Accumulation of cyanobacterial toxins in freshwater mussels.  In: Fourth International Conference Toxic Marine Phytoplankton.  June 26-30, 1989; Lund, Sweden.  Keywords:  bioaccumulation/ freshwater mussels.  (Poster)
1531.   Lindholm, T.; Degerlund, M.; Spoof, L.; and Meriluoto, J.  (2002).   A century of water quality changes in a coastal lake with toxic Planktothrix.   Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 28:984-987.  Keywords:  water quality changes/ century/ coastal lake/ Planktothrix.
1532.   Lindholm, T. and Eriksson, J. E.  (1985).   Giftiga alger aven i Finland.   Skärgård 1:35-38.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ Finland.  (Swedish)
1533.   Lindholm, T. and Eriksson, J. E.  (1988).   Giftiga alger hotar varldens kustvatten.   Skärgård 2:44-45.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin.  (Swedish)
1534.   Lindholm, T. and Eriksson, J. E.  (1988).   Ongelmalliset myrkylliset sinilevat.   Tiedepolitiikka 1:31-32.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin.  (Finnish)
1535.   Lindholm, T. and Eriksson, J. E.  (1985).   Problemalger och fiskdod i alandska vattentakter.   Ympär. Terv. 16:41-44.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin.  (Swedish)
1536.   Lindholm, T.; Eriksson, J. E.; Bylund, G.; and Meriluoto, J. A. O.  (1987).  Orsakar toxiska cyanobakterier fisk-och fageldod?  In: Biotieteen Paivat.  May 26-27, 1987; Åbo Akademi, Turku, Finland.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin.  (Swedish  — Poster)
1537.   Lindholm, T.; Eriksson, J. E.; and Meriluoto, J. A. O.  (1988).  Distribution of Oscillatoria agardhii and its toxin in a eutrophic lake.  In: VI International Symposium, Photosynthetic Prokaryotes.  Aug. 8-13, 1988; Noordwijkerhout, Holland.  Keywords:  cyanotoxins/ Oscillatoria agardhii/ eutrophic lakes.  (Meeting Abstract)
1538.   Lindholm, T.; Eriksson, J. E.; and Meriluoto, J. A. O.  (1989).   Toxic cyanobacteria and water-quality problems—examples from a eutrophic lake on Åland, South West Finland.   Water Res. 23(4):481-486.  Keywords:  toxic cyanobacteria/ water quality/ eutrophic lake/ Åland Islands/ South West Finland/ phytoplankton/ peptide toxin/ Oscillatoria agardhii/ HPLC.  (Finnish)
1539.   Lindholm, T.; Eriksson, J. E.; and Meriluoto, J. A. O.  (1989).   Toxiner fran blagronalger anrikas i musslor.   Fauna Flora 84:21-25.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin.  (Swedish)
1540.   Lindholm, T.; Eriksson, J. E.; Reinikainen, M.; and Meriluoto, J. A. O.  (1992).   Ecological effects of hepatotoxic cyanobacteria.   Environ. Toxicol. Water Qual. 7(1):87-93.  Keywords:  effects/ ecological/ hepatotoxic cyanobacteria.
1541.   Lindholm, T.; Karlsson, M.; and Meriluoto, J.A.O. (1989).   Undersokningar av Ostra Kyrksundet 1989.  Forskningsrapport till Alands landskapsstyrelse nr 74.   12 pp.    Keywords:  cynotoxin.  (Swedish)
1542.   Lindholm, T. and Lahti, K.  (1988).   Raportti Olson myrkkylevakokouksesta.   Ympär. Terv. 9-10:648-650.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin.  (Finnish)
1543.   Lindholm, T. and Meriluoto, J. A. O.  (1991).   Recurrent depth maxima of the hepatotoxic cyanobacterium Oscillatoria agardhii.   Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 48(9):1629-1634.  Keywords:  depth maxima/ Oscillatoria agardhii.
1544.   Lindholm, T.; Vesterkvist, P.; Spoof, L.; Lundberg-Niinisto, C.; and Meriluoto, J.  (2003).   Microcystin occurrence in lakes in Åland, SW Finland.   Hydrobiologia 505(1-3):129-138.  Keywords:  microcystin/ toxin/ cyanobacteria/ lakes/ HPLC/ TR-FIA/ PPIA/ Åland/ Finland.
1545.   Lindstrom, E.  (1976).   Et udbrud af algeforgiftning blandt hunde.   Danst Vet. Tidsskr. 59:637-641.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin.  (Danish)
1546.   Lippy, E. C. and Erb, J.  (1976).   Gastrointestinal illness at Sewickley, Pa.   J. Am. Water Works Assoc. 68:606-610.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ illness/ Sewickley, PA.
1547.   Lirås, V.; Lindberg, M.; Nyström, P.; Annadotter, H.; Lawton, L. A.; and Graf, B.  (1998).   Can ingested cyanobacteria be harmful to the signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus)?   Freshwater Biol. 39(2):233-242.  Keywords:  Pacifastacus leniusculus/ crayfish/ Oscillatoria sancta/ hepatotoxic.
1548.   Liu, I.; Lawton, L. A.; Cornish, B.; and Robertson, P. K. J.  (2002).   Mechanistic and toxicity studies of the photocatalytic oxidation of microcystin-LR.   J. Photochem. Photobiol. A-Chem. 148(1-3 SP ISS):349-354.  Keywords:  microcystins/ protein phosphatase 1/ PP1/ photocatalytic oxidation/ TiO 2/ water treatment.
1549.   Liu, I.; Lawton, L. A.; and Robertson, P. K. J.  (2003).   Mechanistic studies of the photocatalytic oxidation of microcystin-LR:  an investigation of byproducts of the decomposition process.   Environ. Sci. Technol. 37(14):3214-3219.  Keywords:  blue-green algae/ cyanobacterial hepatotoxins/ toxins/ removal/ water/ microcystin-LR.
1550.   Liu, Y. D.; Song, L. R.; Li, X. Y.; and Liu, T. M.  (2002).   The toxic effects of microcystin-LR on embryo-larval and juvenile development of loach, Misguruns mizolepis Gunthe.   Toxicon 40(4):395-399.  Keywords:  microcystin-LR/ Misguruns mizolepis Gunthe/ teratogenesis/ toxicity/ protein phosphatase inhibition.
1551.   Liu, Y. D.; Song, L. R.; Shen, Y. W.; Li, D. H.; Hu, C. X.; Huang, Z. B.; Hu, Z. L.; and Zhu, Y. Z.  (2001).  Potential of terrestrial microalgae and cyanobacteria in environmental technology.  In: H. Kojima and Y. K. Lee (eds.)  Photosynthetic Microorganisms in Environmental Biotechnolology.  Springer: Hong Kong/New York,  pp. 195-216, Ch. 13.  310 pp.  Keywords:  cyanobacteria/ Nostoc/ Anabaena/ ecology.
1552.   Llewellyn, L. E. and Doyle, J.  (2001).   Microtitre plate assay for paralytic shellfish toxins using saxiphilin: gauging the effects of shellfish extract matrices, salts and pH upon assay performance.   Toxicon 39(2-3):217-224.  Keywords:  saxiphilin/ saxitoxin/ paralytic shellfish toxins/ microtitre plate/ shellfish.
1553.   Llewellyn, L. E.; Doyle, J.; Jellett, J.; Barrett, R.; Alison, C.; Bentz, C.; and Quilliam, M.  (2001).   Measurement of paralytic shellfish toxins in molluscan extracts: comparison of the microtitre plate saxiphilin and sodium channel radioreceptor assays with mouse bioassay, HPLC analysis and a commercially available cell culture assay.   Food Add. Contam. 18(11):970-980.  Keywords:  shellfish/ saxitoxin/ sodium channel/ saxiphilin/ mouse bioassay/ HPLC/ cell culture/ PST/ PSP.
1554.   Llewellyn, L. E.; Doyle, J.; and Negri, A. P.  (1998).   A high throughput, microtiter plate assay for paralytic shellfish poisons using the saxitoxin-specific receptor, saxiphilin.   Analyt. Biochem. 261(1):51-56.  Keywords:  assay/ paralytic shellfish poisons/ saxiphilin.
1555.   Lluisma, A. O.; Karmacharya, N.; Zarka, A.; Ben-Dov, E.; Zaritsky, A.; and Boussiba, S.  (2001).   Suitability of Anabaena PCC7120 expressing mosquitocidal toxin genes from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis  for biotechnological application.   Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 57(1-2):161-166.  Keywords:  Bacillus thuringiensis/ larvicidal activity/ cyanobacterium/ PCC-7120/ combinations/ PCC-7942/ strains/ cloning/ PCR/ Anabaena.
1556.   Lo, K. K. W.; Ng, D. C. M.; Lau, J. S. Y.; Wu, R. S. S.; and Lam, P. K. S.  (2003).   Derivatisation of microcystin with a redox-active label for high-performance liquid chromatography/electrochemical detection.   New J. Chem. 27(2):274-279.  Keywords:  cyanobacterial peptide hepatotoxins/ cytochrome P450(cam)/ electronic detection/ toxic peptides/ chromatography/ purification/ protein/ assay/ oligonucleotide/ waters.
1557.   Locke, S. J. and Thibault, P.  (1994).   Improvement in detection limits for the determination of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins in shellfish tissues using capillary electrophoresis electrospray mass spectrometry and discontinuous buffer systems.   Analyt. Chem. 66(20):3436-3446.  Keywords:  detection limits/ improvement/ PSP determination/ capillary electrophoresis electrospray mass spectrometry.
1558.   Loizzo, A.; Sechi, N.; Volterra, L.; and Contu, A.  (1988).   Some features of a bloom of Oscillatoria rubescens D.C. registered in two Italian reservoirs.   Water Air Soil Poll. 38(3-4):263-271.  Keywords:  cyanotoxin/ Oscillatoria rubescens/ reservoirs/ Italy.
1559.   Long, B. M. and Carmichael, W. W.  (2003).  Marine cyanobacterial toxins.  In: G. M. Hallegraeff, D. M. Anderson, and A. D. Cembella (eds.)  Manual on Harmful Marine Microalgae.  UNESCO Publishing: Paris,  pp. 279-296.  793 pp.  Keywords:  cyanobacteria/ toxins/ marine.
1560.   Long, B. M.; Jones, G. J.; and Orr, P. T.  (2001).   Cellular microcystin content in N-limited Microcystis aeruginosa can be predicted from growth rate.   Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 67(1):278-283.  Keywords:  blue-green-algae/ toxin production/ hepatotoxin/ production/ Oscillatoria agardhii/ light/ Anabaena/ strains/ acid/ cyanobacteria/ temperature.
1561.   Long, E. G.; Ebrahimzadeh, A.; White, E. H.; Swisher, B.; and Callaway, C. S.  (1990).   Alga associated with diarrhea in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and in travelers.   J. Clin. Microbiol. 28(6):1101-1104.  Keywords:  alga/ diarrhea/ acquired immunodeficiency syndrome/ travelers.

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