Hermansky, S. J. and Stohs, S. J. (1991).
Effect of microcystin-LR (MCLR) and hepatic microsomal membrane
fluidity. Res. Commun. Chem. Pathol.
Pharmacol. 72(2):213-222.
Keywords: microcystin-LR/ hepatic
microsomal membrane fluidity/ mice.
Hermansky, S. J.; Stohs, S. J.; Eldeen,
Z. M.; Roche, V. F.; and Mereish, K. A.
(1991). Evaluation of potential
chemoprotectants against microcystin-LR hepatotoxicity in mice. J. Appl. Toxicol. 11(1):65-74. Keywords:
microcystin-LR/ hepatotoxicity/ chemoprotection/ cyclosporin A/
rifampin/ silymarin.
Hermansky, S. J.; Stohs, S. J.; Markin,
R. S.; and Murray, W. J. (1990). Hepatic lipid peroxidation, sulfhydryl
status, and toxicity of the blue-green algal toxin microcystin-LR in mice. J. Toxicol. Environ. Health 31(1):71-91. Keywords:
toxicity/ microcystin-LR/ mice/ hepatic lipid peroxidation.
Hermansky, S. J.; Wolff, S. N.; and
Stohs, S. J. (1990). Use of rifampin as an effective
chemoprotectant and antidote against microcystin-LR toxicity. Pharmacology 41(4):231-236. Keywords:
microcystin-LR/ rifampin/ chemoprotection/ lactic dehydrogenase.
Hernandez, M.; Macia, M.; Padilla, C.;
and Del Campo, F. F. (2000). Modulation of human polymorphonuclear
leukocyte adherence by cyanopeptide toxins.
Environ. Res. 84(1):64-68.
Keywords: PMN adherence/
cyanopeptide toxins/ microcystins/ nodularins/ immune system modulation.
Herwaldt, B. L.; Craun, G. F.; Stokes,
S. L.; and Juranek, D. D. (1992). Outbreaks of waterborne disease in the
United States: 1989-90. J. Am. Water Works Assoc. 84(4):129-135. Keywords:
waterborne disease outbreaks/ United States.
Herzig, S. and Neumann, J. (2000).
Effects of serine/threonine protein phosphatases on ion channels in
excitable membranes (review). Physiol.
Rev. 80(1):173-210.
Keywords: serine-threonine
protein phosphatase/ ion channels.
Hesse, K.; Dittmann, E.; and Börner,
T. (2001). Consequences of impaired microcystin
production for light-dependent growth and pigmentation of Microcystis aeruginosa PCC 7806.
FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 37(1):39-43. Keywords:
microcystin-deficient mutant/ microcystin function/ chlorophyll/
carotenoid/ Microcystis aeruginosa.
Hesse, K. and Kohl, J. G. (2001).
Effects of light and nutrient supply on growth and microcystin content
of different strains of Microcystis
aeruginosa. In: I. Chorus (ed.) Cyanotoxins: Occurrence, Causes, Consequences. Springer-Verlag: New York, pp. 104-115.
357 pp. Keywords: effects/ light/ nutrient growth/ microcystin
content/ Microcystis aeruginosa.
Hibayashi, R. and Imamura, N. (2003).
Action mechanism of a selective anti-cyanobacterial compound, argimicin
A. J. Antibiot. 56(2):154-159. Keywords:
argimicin A/ anti-cyanobacterial/ Sphingomonas
sp./ photosynthetic inhibitor.
Hietala, J.; Laurén-Määttä, C.; and
Walls, M. (1997). Life-history responses of Daphnia clones to toxic Microcystis at different food
levels. J. Plankton Res. 19(7):917-926. Keywords:
toxic Microcystis/ Daphnia
Hietala, J.; Reinikainen, M.; and Walls,
M. (1995). Variation in life history responses of Daphnia to toxic Microcystis aeruginosa. J.
Plankton Res. 17(12):2307-2318.
Keywords: toxic Microcystis aeruginosa/ Daphnia response.
Hikino, H. (1987).
Liver protective activity of medicinal plants. In: K. Hostettmann and P. J. Lea (eds.) Biologically Active Natural Products. Clarendon Press: Oxford, U.K., pp. 143-151, Ch. 10. 283 pp.
Annual Proceedings Phytochem. Soc. of Europe. v. #27.
Keywords: medicinal plants/ liver
Himberg, K. (1989).
Determination of anatoxin-a, the neurotoxin of Anabaena flos-aquae
cyanobacterium, in algae and water by gas chromatography-mass
spectrometry. J. Chromat. 481:358-362. Keywords:
anatoxin-a/ Anabaena flos-aquae/ gas chromatography-mass
Himberg, K.; Keijola, A-M.; Hiisvirta,
L.; Pyysalo, H.; and Sivonen, K.
(1989). The effect of water
treatment processes on the removal of hepatotoxins from Microcystis and Oscillatoria cyanobacteria: a laboratory study. Water Res. 23(8):979-984. Keywords:
cyanobacteria/ blue-green algae/ Microcystis/
Oscillatoria/ toxic algal blooms/
water treatment/ HPLC analysis/ drinking water/ hepatotoxins.
Hindersson, R. (1933).
Poisoning of cattle by fresh-water plankton (Förgiftning av nötkreatur genom
sötvattensplankton). Finsk Vet.
Tidskr. 39(8-9):179-189.
Keywords: cyanotoxin/ cattle
poisoning. (Swedish, translated)
Hindman, S. H.; Favero, M. S.; Carson,
L. A.; Petersen, N. J.; Schonberger, L. B.; and Solano, J. T. (1975).
Pyrogenic reactions during hemodialysis caused by extramural
endotoxin. Lancet 2:732-734. Keywords:
cyanotoxin/ hemodialysis/ pyrogenic reaction/ extramural endotoxin.
Hirahashi, T.; Matsumoto, M.; Hazeki,
K.; Saeki, Y.; Ui, M.; and Seya, T.
(2002). Activation of the human innate immune system
by Spirulina: augmentation of interferon production and NK
cytotoxicity by oral administration of hot water extract of Spirulina platensis. Int. Immunopharmacol. 2(4):423-434. Keywords:
IL-12/ IL-18/ toll-like receptors/ IFN gamma/ cyanobacteria/
macrophages/ Spirulina platensis.
Hirata, K.; Yoshitomi, S.; Dwi, S.;
Iwabe, O.; Mahakhant, A.; Polchai, J.; and Miyamoto, K. (2003).
Bioactivities of nostocine A produced by a freshwater cyanobacterium Nostoc spongiaeforme TISTR 8169. J. Biosci. Bioeng. 95(5):512-517. Keywords:
Nostoc spongiaeforme/
nostocine A/ bioactivity/ cyanobacterium/ allelochemical/ toxin.
Hirayama, Y. and Hartzell, H. D. (1996).
Effects of microcystin and isoproterenol on L-type Ca2+ current
and camp-regulated CL-current in guinea pig ventricular myocytes. Biophys. J. 70(2):U357. Keywords:
effects/ microcystin/ current/ guinea pig/ ventricular myocytes. (Meeting Abstract)
Hiripi, L.; Nagy, L.; Kalmár, T.; Kovács,
A.; and Vörös, L. (1998). Insect (Locusta
migratoria migratorioides) test monitering the toxicity of
cyanobacteria. NeuroToxicol. 19(4-5):605-608. Keywords:
cyanobacteria/ toxicity/ insect test.
Hiroishi, S.; Maeda, H.; Morimoto, J.; Taniguchi,
Y.; and Imai, S. (1998). Toxicity of bloom-forming blue-green
algae. Nippon Suis. Gak. 64(2):295-296. Keywords:
toxicity/ blue-green algae.
Hisbergues, M.; Christiansen, G.;
Rouhiainen, L.; Sivonen, K.; and Börner, T.
(2003). PCR-based identification
of microcystin-producing genotypes of different cyanobacterial genera. Arch. Microbiol. 180(6):402-410. Keywords:
Anabaena/ cyanobacteria/
microcystin/ Microcystis/ Nostoc/ Nodularia/ peptide synthetase/ Planktothrix/
Hitzfeld, B. C.; Hoeger, S. J.; and
Dietrich, D. R. (2000). Cyanobacterial toxins: removal during drinking water treatment, and
human risk assessment. Environ.
Health Perspect. 108(S1):113-122.
Keywords: cyanobacteria/ ozone/
risk assessment/ toxin/ water treatment.
Hitzfeld, B. C.; Lampert, C. S.; Spaeth,
N.; Mountfort, D.; Kaspar, H.; and Dietrich, D. R. (2000).
Toxin production in cyanobacterial mats from ponds on the McMurdo Ice
Shelf, Antarctica. Toxicon 38(12):1731-1748. Keywords:
16s ribosomal-RNA/ blue-green algae/ protein phosphatases/ Nodularia spumigena/ microbial biomass/
microcystin-LR/ higher-plants/ genes/ inhibition/ toxicity.
Hobson, P.; Burch, M.; and Fallowfield,
H. J. (1999). Effect of total dissolved solids and
irradiance on growth and toxin production by Nodularia spumigena. J
Appl. Phycol. 11(6):551-558.
Keywords: Nodularia spumigena/ growth/ hepatotoxin production/ nodularin/
salinity/ irradiance.
Hobson, P. and Fallowfield, H. J. (2003).
Effect of irradiance, temperature and salinity on growth and toxin
production by Nodularia spumigena. Hydrobiologia 493(1-3):7-15. Keywords:
Nodularia spumigena/
irradiance/ temperature/ salinity/ nodularin/ growth rate/ Microcystis aeruginosa/ cyanobacterial toxins/ hepatotoxin
production/ environmental-factors/ Baltic Sea/ light/ cultures/ toxicity/
strains/ blooms.
Hodara, M-L.; Bré, M-H.; Bouzinba, H.;
Pouphile, M.; and Lefort-Tran, M.
(1991). Modulation of fibroblast
motility by a cytosolic extract of cyanobacteria. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 286(1):85-93. Keywords:
murine fibroblasts motility modulation/ cytosolic extract/ Phormidium.
Hodder, A. R. and Capon, R. J. (1991).
A new brominated biindole from an Australian cyanobacterium, Rivularia firma. J. Natural Products 54(6):1661-1663. Keywords:
brominated biindole/ Rivularia
firma/ structure/ Australia.
Hodder, A. R. and Capon, R. J. (1991).
A novel brominated lipid from an Australian cyanobacterium, Lyngbya sp. J. Natural Products 54(6):1668-1671. Keywords:
brominated lipid/ Australia/ Lyngbya.
Hodges, C. F. and Campbell, D. A. (1997).
Nutrient salts and the toxicity of black-layer induced by cyanobacteria
and desulfovibrio-desulfuricans to Agrostis
palustris. Plant and Soil 195(1):53-60. Keywords:
nutrient salts/ toxicity/ Agrostis
Hoeger, S. J.; Dietrich, D. R.; and
Hitzfeld, B. C. (2002). Effect of ozonation on the removal of
cyanobacterial toxins during drinking water treatment. Environ. Health Perspect. 110(11):1127-1132. Keywords:
cyanobacteria/ microcystin/ Microcystis
aeruginosa/ ozonation/ Planktothrix
rubescens/ TOC/ total organic carbon.
Hoeger, S. J.; Hitzfeld, B. C.; and
Dietrich, D. R. (2001). Efficacy of different methods in the removal
of cyanobacterial toxins in drinking water treatment and toxicity of
by-products after ozonation of microcystin-LR.
Toxicology 164 (1-3 Suppl.):183. Keywords:
microcystin/ removal/ drinking water.
Hoffmann, D.; Hevel, J. M.; Moore, R.
E.; and Moore, B. S. (2003). Sequence analysis and biochemical
characterization of the nostopeptolide A biosynthetic gene cluster from Nostoc sp. GSV224. Gene 311:171-180. Keywords: non-ribosomal peptide synthetase/ polyketide
synthase/ 4-methylproline/ cyanobacteria/ cyclic peptide/ Nostoc .
Hoffmann, J. R. H. (1976).
Removal of Microcystis toxins
in water purification processes. Water
S. Afr. 2(2):58-60.
Keywords: cyanotoxin/ Microcystis/ toxin removal.
Hoiczyk, E. and Baumeister, W. (1997).
Oscillin, an extracellular, Ca2+-binding glycoprotein
essential for the gliding motility of cyanobacteria. Mol. Microbiol. 26(4):699-708. Keywords:
oscillin/ gliding motility/ cyanobacteria.
Hokama, Y. (1993).
Immunological studies using monoclonal antibodies for detection of low
dalton marine toxins. Food Add.
Contam. 10(1):83-95.
Keywords: ciguatera/ monoclonal
anti-CTX/ ciguatoxin/ okadaic acid/ Stick Enzyme Immunoassay (S-EIA).
Hokama, Y. (1993).
Recent methods for detection of seafood toxins: recent immunological methods for ciguatoxin
and related polyethers. Food Add.
Contam. 10(1):71-82.
Keywords: analysis/ ciguatoxin/
brevetoxin/ palytoxin/ okadaic acid/ paralytic shellfish toxins.
Hold, G. L.; Smith, E. A.; Birkbeck, T.
H.; and Gallacher, S. (2001). Comparison of paralytic shellfish toxin
(PST) production by the dinoflagellates Alexandrium
lusitanicum NEPCC 253 and Alexandrium
tamarense NEPCC 407 in the presence and absence of bacteria. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 36(2-3):223-234. Keywords:
dinoflagellate/ axenic culture/ paralytic shellfish toxin (PST)/
epifluorescence microscopy/ high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)/
polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
Holladay, M. W.; Lebold, S. A.; and Lin,
N-H. (1995). Structure-activity relationships of
nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonists as potential treatments for dementia. Drug Dev. Res. 35(4):191-213. Keywords:
nicotinic acetylcholine receptors/ nicotinic agonists/
structure-activity relationships.
Holmes, C. F. B. (1991).
Liquid chromatography-linked protein phosphatase bioassay; a highly
sensitive marine bioscreen for okadaic acid and related diarrhetic shellfish
toxins. Toxicon 29(4-5):469-477. Keywords:
liquid chromatography-linked protein phosphatase bioassay/ marine
bioscreen/ okadaic acid/ diarrhetic shellfish toxins.
Holmes, C. F. B. and Boland, M. P. (1993).
Inhibitors of protein phosphatase 1 and phosphatase 2A: two of the major serine threonine protein
phosphatases involved in cellular regulation.
Curr. Opinion Struct. Biol. 3(6):934-943. Keywords:
PP1 and PP2A inhibitors/ cellular regulation.
Holst, O. (ed.) (2000). Bacterial Toxins: Methods and Protocols. Humana Press: Totowa, New Jersey. Vol. 145, 379 pp. (Methods in Molecular Biology; Keywords:
toxins/ methods/ protocols.
Holst, T.; Jergensen, N. O. G.;
Jorgensen, C.; and Johansen, A. (2003). Degradation of microcystin in sediments at
oxic and anoxic denitrifying conditions.
Water Res. 37(19):4748-4760. Keywords:
microcystin/ sediment/ anoxic/ PP1 assay/ degradation/ denitrification.
Holte, H. R.; Eriksen, S.; Skulberg, O.;
and Aas, P. (1998). The effect of water soluble cyanotoxin(s)
produced by two species of Anabaena
on the release of acteylcholine from the peripheral cholinergic nervous system
of the rat airway. Environ. Toxicol.
Pharmacol. 5(1):51-59.
Keywords: acetylcholine release/ Anabaena flos-aquae/ Anabaena lemmermannii/ Anabaena toxin/ Ca2+ channel
Holz, J. C. (2000).
Controlling pond algae with barley straw. NebFacts NF00-429:C1-C2. Keywords:
pond/ algae/ barley straw/ control.
Honda, D.; Yokota, A.; and Sugiyama,
J. (1999). Detection of 7 major evolutionary lineages
in cyanobacteria based on the 16S ribosomal-RNA gene sequence analysis with new
sequences of 5 marine Synechococcus
strains. J. Mol. Evol. 48(6):723-739. Keywords:
evolutionary lineages/ cyanobacteria/ sequence analysis/ Synechococcus.
Hong-Bing, W. and Hui-Gang, Z. (1996).
Promoting activity of microcystins extracted from waterblooms in SHE
cell transformation assay. Biomed.
Environ. Sci. 9:46-51.
Keywords: microcystins/ tumor
promoters/ SHE cell transformation assay.
Honkanen, R. E. (1993).
Cantharidin, another natural toxin that inhibits the activity of
serine/threonine protein phosphatases types 1 and 2A. FEBS Lett. 330(3):283-286. Keywords:
cantharidin/ serine-thronine/ protein/ phosphatase/ inhibitor/
dephosphorylation/ toxin.
Honkanen, R. E.; Caplan, F. R.; Baker,
K. K.; Baldwin, C. L.; Bobzin, S. C.; Bolis, C. M.; Cabrera, G. M.; Johnson, L.
A.; Jung, J. H.; Larsen, L. K.; Levine, I. A.; Moore, R. E.; Nelson, C. S.;
Patterson, G. M. L.; Tschappat, K. D.; Tuang, G. D.; Boynton, A. L.; Arment, A.
R.; An, J.; Carmichael, W. W.; Rodland, K. D.; Magun, B. E.; and Lewin, R.
A. (1995). Protein phosphatase inhibitory activity in
extracts of cultured blue-green algae (Cyanophyta). J. Phycol. 31(3):478-486. Keywords:
protein phosphatase/ inhibitory acitivity/ extracts/ Cyanophyta.
Honkanen, R. E.; Caplan, F. R.;
Patterson, G. M. L.; and Abercrombie, J.
(1996). Development of a protein
phosphatase-based assay for the detection of phosphatase inhibitors in crude
whole cell/animal extracts. Toxicon
34(3):307-308. Keywords: develoment/ assay/ detection/ phosphatase
inhibitors. (Abstract)
Honkanen, R. E.; Codispoti, B. A.; Tse,
K.; and Boynton, A. L. (1994). Characterization of natural toxins with
inhibitory activity against serine/threonine protein phosphatases. Toxicon 32(3):339-350. Keywords:
serine-threonine protein phosphatases/ activity inhibition/ natural
Honkanen, R. E.; Dukelow, M.; Zwiller,
J.; Moore, R. E.; Khatra, B. S.; and Boynton, A. L. (1991).
Cyanobacterial nodularin is a potent inhibitor of type 1 and type 2A
protein phosphatases. Mol.
Pharmacol. 40(4):577-583. Keywords: nodularin/ protein phosphatase inhibitor/
PP1/ PP2A.
Honkanen, R. E. and Golden, T. (2002).
Regulators of serine/threonine protein phosphatases at the dawn of a
clinical era? Curr. Med. Chem. 9(22):2055-2075. Keywords:
modified cantharidin analogs/ antitumor drug Fostriecin/ sponge Discodermia calyx/ tetratricopeptide
repeat domain/ serine threonine phosphatases/ BALB/ 3T3 cell-transformation/
promoter okadaic acid/ tumor necrosis factor/ DNA strand breaks/ blue-green
Honkanen, R. E.; Stapleton, J. D.;
Bryan, D. E.; and Abercrombie, J.
(1996). Development of a protein
phosphatase-based assay for the detection of phosphatase inhibitors in crude
whole cell and animal extracts. Toxicon
Keywords: assay/ phosphatase
inhibitor detection.
Honkanen, R. E.; Zwiller, J.; Moore, R.
E.; Daily, S. L.; Khatra, B. S.; Dukelow, M.; and Boynton, A. L. (1990).
Characterization of microcystin-LR, a potent inhibitor of type 1 and
type 2A protein phosphatases. J.
Biol. Chem. 265(32):19401-19404.
Keywords: microcystin-LR
characterization/ PP1/ PP2A.
Hooser, H. B. (2000).
Fulminant hepatocyte apoptosis in
vivo following microcystin-LR administration to rats. Toxicologic Pathol. 28(5):726-733. Keywords:
liver/ hepatic/ toxicity/ apoptotic index/ TEM.
Hooser, S. B.; Basgall, E. J.; Beasley,
V. R., and Haschek, W. M. (1988). Sequential ultrastructural hepatic, pulmonary
and renal changes due to Microcystis
aeruginosa hepatotoxin in the rat. Toxicologist. 8(1):219. Keywords:
cyanotoxin/Microcystis aeruginosa/hepatotoxin/rat. (Annual Meeting S.O.T. Dallas, TX — Abstract)
Hooser, S. B.; Beasley, V. R.; Basgall,
E. J.; Carmichael, W. W.; and Haschek, W. M.
(1990). Microcystin-LR induced
ultrastructural changes in rats. Vet.
Pathol. 27(1):9-15.
Keywords: microcystin-LR/
changes/ rats.
Hooser, S. B.; Beasley, V. R.; Basgall,
E. J.; Carmichael, W. W.; and Haschek, W. M.
(1990). Ultrastrucural changes
induced by microcystin-LR in rats. Vet.
Pathol. 27:9-15.
Keywords: ultrastructural
changes/ microcystin-LR/ rats.
Hooser, S. B.; Beasley, V. R.;
Kuhlenschmidt, M. S., and Haschek, W. M.
(1989). Microcystin-LR induces
morphologic and cytoskeletal hepatocyte changes in vitro and in vivo. Toxicologist. 9(1):28. Keywords:
microcystin-LR/hepatocyte changes.
(28th Ann. Meeting S.O.T., Atlanta, Georgia, February 27-March 3, 1989 —
Abstract #10)
Hooser, S. B.; Beasley, V. R.; Lovell,
R. A.; Carmichael, W. W.; and Haschek, W. M.
(1989). Toxicity of microcystin
LR, a cyclic heptapeptide hepatotoxin from Microcystis
aeruginosa, to rats and mice. Vet.
Pathol. 26:246-252.
Keywords: microcystin LR/
toxicity/ Microcystis aeruginosa/
rats/ mice.
Hooser, S. B.; Beasley, V. R.; Waite, L.
L.; Kuhlenschmidt, M. S.; Carmichael, W. W.; and Haschek, W. M. (1991).
Actin filament alterations in rat hepatocytes induced in vivo and in vitro by microcystin-LR, a hepatotoxin from the blue-green alga,
Microcystis aeruginosa. Vet. Pathol. 28:259-266. Keywords:
actin filament/ blue-green algae/ hepatocyte/ hepatotoxin/
microcystin-LR/ phalloidin/ rat.
Hooser, S. B.; Kuhlenschmidt, M. S.;
Dahlem, A. M.; Beasley, V. R.; Carmichael, W. W.; and Haschek, W. M. (1991).
Uptake and subcellular localization of tritiated dihydro-microcystin-LR
in rat liver. Toxicon 29(6):589-601. Keywords:
rat liver/ uptake and localization of tritiated dihydro-microcystin-LR/ Microcystis aerginosa.
Hooser, S. B.; Waite, L. L.; Beasley, V.
R.; Carmichael, W. W.; Kuhlenschmidt, M. S.; and Haschek, W. M. (1989).
Microcystin-a induces morphologic and cytoskeletal hepatocyte changes in vitro. Toxicon 27(1):50-51. Keywords:
microcystin/ morphologic changes/ cytoskeletal changes.
Horgen, F. D.; Kazmierski, E. B.;
Westenburg, H. E.; Yoshida, W. Y.; and Scheuer, P. J. (2002).
Malevamide D: Isolation and structure determination of an isodolastatin
H analogue from the marine cyanobacterium Symploca
hydnoides. J. Natural Products
65(4):487-491. Keywords: hare Dolabella
auricularia/ antineoplastic agents/ dolastatin 10/ symplostatin-1/
peptides/ algae.
Horgen, F. D.; Kazmierski, E. B.;
Westenburg, H. E.; Yoshida, W. Y.; and Scheuer, P. J. (2003).
Malevamide D: Isolation and structure determination of an isodolastatin
H analogue from the marine cyanobacterium Symploca
hydnoides [Correction for 2002, 65:488]. J. Natural Products 66(1):155. Keywords:
isolation/ structure/ Symploca
Horgen, F. D.; Yoshida, W. Y.; and
Scheuer, P. J. (2000). Malevamides A-C, new depsipeptides from the
marine cyanobacterium Symploca
laete-viridis. J. Natural
Products 63(4):461-467.
Keywords: antineoplastic agents/
onchidin/ peptides/ Lyngbya/ Symploca laete-viridis.
Hormazábal, V.; Østensvik, Ø.; Underdal,
B.; and Skulberg, O. M. (2000). Simultaneous determination of the
cyanotoxins anatoxin-a, microcystin desmethyl-3-RR, LR, RR and YR in water
using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.
J. Liq. Chromat. Related Technol. 23(20):3155-3164. Keywords:
cyanobacteria/ anatoxin-a/ microcystin.
Hormazábal, V.; Østensvik, Ø.; Underdal,
B.; and Skulberg, O. M. (2000). Simultaneous determination of the
cyanotoxins anatoxin-a, microcystin desmethyl-3, LR, RR and YR in fish muscle
using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.
J. Liq. Chromat. Related Technol. 23(2):185-196. Keywords:
cyanobacteria/ determination/ fish muscle/ LC-MS/ microcystin.
House of Representatives Committe on
Science (2003). Harmful algal blooms
and hypoxia: strengthening the
science. In: Hearing before the Subcommittee on
Environment, Technology and Standards.
U.S. Govt. Printing Office: Washington, D.C. Report # Serial No. 108-8. 109 pp. Keywords:
HABs/ hypoxia/ hearings.
Howard, A. (1997).
Computer-simulation modeling of buoyancy change in Microcystis. Hydrobiologia
349(Aug):111-117. Keywords: computer simulation modeling/ Microcystis buoyancy.
Howard, A. (2001).
Modeling movement patterns of the cyanobacterium, Microcystis. Ecol. Appl.
11(1):304-310. Keywords: algal blooms/ cyanobacteria/ cyanobacterial
movement/ Microcystis aeruginosa/
modeling/ cyanobacterial movement and growth.
Howard, A. (1994).
Problem cyanobacterial blooms:
explanation and simulation modelling.
Trans. Inst. Br. Geogr. 19(2):213-224. Keywords:
cyanobacteria modeling/ problems/ blue-green algae/ buoyancy/
environmental management.
Howard, A. and Easthope, M. P. (2002).
Application of a model to predict cyanobacterial growth patterns in
response to climatic change at Farmoor Reservoir, Oxfordshire, UK. Sci. Total Environ. 282:459-469. Keywords:
blue green algae/ climate change/ cyanobacteria/ Microcystis/ Farmoor Reservoir/ United Kingdom.
Howard, A.; Irish, A. E.; and Reynolds,
C. S. (1996). A new simulation of cyanobacterial
underwater movement (SCUM '96). J.
Plankton Res. 18(8):1375-1385.
Keywords: simulation/
cyanobacterial underwater movement.
Howard, A.; Kirkby, M. J.; Kneale, P.
E.; and McDonald, A. T. (1995). Modeling the growth of cyanobacteria
(growscum). Hydrol. Processes 9(7):809-820. Keywords:
cyanobacteria/ growth/ modeling.
Howard, A.; McDonald, A. T.; Kneale, P.
E.; and Whitehead, P. G. (1996). Cyanobacterial (blue-green algal) blooms in
the U.K.: a review of the current situation and potential management options. Prog. Physical Geog. 20(1):53-61. Keywords:
tumor promotion/ toxins/ environmental management/ pollution.
Howard, J. and McGregor, D. (2000).
Reducing nutrient enrichment of waterways through public education: a tale of two cities. Environ. Cons. 27(4):351-358. Keywords:
communication/ education/ blue-green algae/ phosphorus/ Australia/
Murray-Darling Basin/ Albury-Woodonga/ Hawkesbury-Nepean Basin/ Sydney.
Howard, M. H.; Sardina, F. J.; and
Rapoport, H. (1990). Chirospecific synthesis of nitrogen and
side-chain modified anatoxin analogs:
synthesis of (1R)-anatoxinal and (1R)-anatoxinic acid derivatives. J. Org. Chem. 55(9):2829-2838. Keywords:
synthesis/ anatoxin analogs.
Howard, N. J. and Berry, A. E. (1933).
Algal nuisances in surface waters.
Can. Pub. Health J. 24(7):377-384. Keywords:
cyanotoxin/ surface waters.
Howarth, R. W.; Chan, F.; and Marino,
R. (1999). Do top-down and bottom-up controls interact
to exclude nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria from the plankton of estuaries? An exploration with a simulation model. Biogeochemistry 46(1):203-231. Keywords:
Baltic Sea/ cyanobacteria/ estuaries/ grazing/ iron/ lakes/ molybdenum/
nitrogen/ nitrogen fixation/ nitrogen limitation/ zooplankton.
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microcystin-LR/ geosmin/ 2-methylisoborneol/ ß-cyclocitral/ drinking
water/ odor.
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micellar electrokinetic chromatography/ performance
liquid-chromatography/ sepharose affinity-chromatography/ cyanobacterial
toxins/ okadaic acid/ in vivo/
purification/ inhibitors/ motuporin/ binding.
Hu, T. and Panek, J. S. (1999).
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blue-green algae waterbloom/ NOAA satellite/ Chaohu Lake/ China.
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Keywords: diarrheal illness/ Cyclospora/ United States.
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S.; and Gallagher, T. (1991). Structural modification of anatoxin-a. Synthesis of model affinity ligands for the
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Keywords: anatoxin-a/ structural
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cyanotoxin/ Microcystis aeruginosa/
unialgal culture.
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microcystins/ LC/ UV/ LC-MS/ microcystins/ drinking water/ Thuringia,
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Microcystin-LR and liver-tumor promotion—effects on cytokinesis, ploidy,
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Keywords: microcystin-LR/
liver-tumor promotion.
Humpage, A. R. and Falconer, I. R. (2003).
Oral toxicity of the cyanobacterial toxin cylindrospermopsin in male
Swiss albino mice: determination of no observed adverse effect level for
deriving a drinking water guideline value.
Environ. Toxicol. 18(2):94-103. Keywords:
Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii/
chronic toxicity/ drinking water regulatory guideline values/ NOAEL/ cultured
rat hepatocytes/ in vivo/ alkaloid
cylindrospermopsin/ Raciborskii
woloszynska/ Umezakia natans/
glutathione/ inhibition/ Australia/ lakes/ mouse.
Humpage, A. R.; Fenech, M.; Thomas, P.;
and Falconer, I. R. (2000). Micronucleus induction and chromosome loss
in transformed human white cells indicate clastogenic and aneugenic action of
the cyanobacterial toxin, cylindrospermopsin.
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lymphoblastoid cell-line/ carcinogenesis.
Humpage, A. R.; Hardy, S. J.; Moore, E.
J.; Froscio, S. M.; and Falconer, I. R.
(2000). Microcystins
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foci in the mouse colon. J. Toxicol.
Environ. Health–Part A 61(3):155-165. Keywords:
tumor promotion/ LR/ aeruginosa/
carcinogen/ mice/ toxicity/ peptide/ microcystin/ colon carcinogenesis/ Microcystis.
Humpage, A. R.; Rositano, J.; Baker, P.
D.; Nicholson, B. C.; Steffensen, D. A.; Bretag, A. H.; and Brown, R. K. (1993).
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paralytic shellfish poisons/ PSP/ freshwater cyanobacteria/ Anabaena circinalis/ Australia.
Humpage, A. R.; Rositano, J.; Bretag,
A.; Brown, R.; Baker, P.; Nicholson, B. C.; and Steffensen, D. A. (1994).
Paralytic shellfish poisons from Australian blue-green algal
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Mar. Freshwater Res. 45:767-771.
Keywords: PSP/ paralytic
shellfish poisons/ Australia/ cyanobacterial blooms.
Humphrey, J. M.; Aggen, J. B.; and
Chamberlin, A. R. (1997). Synthesis of the serine-threonine
phosphatase inhibitor microcystin-LA, and progress towards the synthesis of
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Keywords: synthesis/
serine-threonine phosphatase inhibitor/ microcystin-LA. (Meeting Abstract)
Humphrey, J. M.; Aggen, J. B.; and
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Keywords: synthesis/
serine-threonine phosphatase inhibitor/ microcystin-LA.
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Keywords: cyanobacteria/ human
health. (Editorial)
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toxins/ human health.
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Bath, UK. Keywords: human illness/ cyanobacteria/ critique.
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phosphatase inhibitors/ hamster fibroblasts.
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Keywords: anatoxin-a(s)/
acetylcholinesterase/ cyanobacteria/ oxime reactivators/ electric eel.
Hyde, E. G. and Carmichael, W. W. (1988).
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cyanotoxin/anatoxin-a(s). (Ann.
Meeting S.O.T., Dallas, TX — Abstract)
Hyde, E. G. and Carmichael, W. W. (1989).
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properties/ ionic channel/ anatoxin-a(s).
Hyenstrand, P.; Metcalf, J. S.; Beattie,
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solvent conditions in the analysis of the cyanobacterial toxin microcystin-LR
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cyanobacteria/ microcystin-LR/ adsorption/ plastics/ hydrophobicity.
Hyenstrand, P.; Metcalf, J. S.; Beattie,
K. A.; and Codd, G. A. (2001). Losses of the cyanobacterial toxin
microcystin-LR from aqueous solution by adsorption during laboratory
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microcystin-LR/ adsorption/ plastics/ methanol.
Hyenstrand, P.; Rohrlack, T.; Beattie,
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Laboratory studies of dissolved radiolabelled microcystin-LR in lake
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cyanobacteria/ microcystin/ toxin persistence/ C-14-labelling/
biodegradation/ microcystin-LR/ lake water.
Ibelings, B. W.; Vonk, M.; Los, H. F.
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Keywords: algal blooms/ early
warning/ blue-green algae/ cyanobacteria/ ecological models/ eutrophication/
fuzzy logic/ Microcystis/ remote
sensing/ scums/ water management.
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Keywords: Microcystis aeruginosa/ axenic clone/ Lake Kasumigaura/ Japan.
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Apylsia californica/ microcystin-LR/ serotinin/ cAMP/ protein phosphatase/
phosphatase inhibitor/ S-channel.
Ikawa, M.; Auger, K.; Mosley, S. P.;
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Keywords: Aphanizomenon flos-aquae/ toxin profiles.
Ikawa, M.; Haney, J. F.; and Sasner Jr.,
J. J. (1996). Inhibition of Chorella growth by the lipids of cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Hydrobiologia 331:167-170. Keywords:
Microcystis aeruginosa/ Chorella pyrenoidosa/ growth inhibition/ lipids/ linoleic acid/ linolenic
Ikawa, M.; Sasner Jr., J. J.; and Haney,
J. F. (1994). Lipids of cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and inhibition
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Keywords: Aphanizomenon flos-aquae/ Chlorella
pyrenoidosa/ growth inhibition/ lipids/ fatty acids/ poriferasterol.
Ikawa, M.; Sasner Jr., J. J.; Haney, J.
F.; and Foxall, T. L. (1995). Pterins of the cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon flos-aquae. Phytochem. 38(5):1229-1232. Keywords:
Aphanizomenon flos-aquae/
cyanobacteria/ blue-green algae/ pterins/ 6-L-threobiopterin.
Ikawa, M.; Wegener, K.; Foxall, T. L.;
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alga Aphanizomenon flos-aquae with the Gonyaulax toxins. Toxicon
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Ikawa, M.; Wegener, K.; Foxall, T. L.;
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491 pp. Keywords: cyanotoxin/ Aphanizomenon flos-aquae/ fluorometric determination.
Ikawa, M.; Wegener, K.; Foxall, T. L.;
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Keywords: paralytic shellfish
poisons/ PSP/ cation exchange resin column.
Ikushima, I. (1987).
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Keywords: occurrence/ control/
waterbloom. (Japanese)
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cyanotoxin/ Culicidae/
toxicity determination.
Imamura, N.; Motoike, I.; Noda, M.;
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(2000). Argimicin A, a novel
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argimicin A/ anti-cyanobacterial compound/ algae-lysing bacterium.
Inamori, Y. and Sudo, R. (1988).
Decomposition of toxic substance of Microcystis
viridis by smaller animals appeared in polluted lake water bio-film
treatment process. In: Toxicity of Microcystins and its Effect on
the Environment. Vol. 63, 12, p.
7. Keywords: decompostion/ toxicity/ Microcystis viridis/ small animals/ polluted lake/ biofilm
treatment process. (Japanese)
Inamori, Y.; Sugiura, N.; Iwami, N.;
Matsumura, M.; Hiroki, M.; and Watanabe, M. M.
(1998). Degradation of the toxic
cyanobacterium Microcystis viridis
using predaceous micro-animals combined with bacteria. Phycol. Res. 46(Suppl.):37-44. Keywords:
aggregated bacteria/ biofilm/ degradation/ micro-animals/
microcystin-RR/ Microcystis viridis/
Incharoensakdi, A. and Wutipraditkul,
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Keywords: Aphanothece
halophytica/ cyanobacterium/ glycinebetaine/ accumulation/ synthesis/ salt
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Keywords: algal/ allelopathy.
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thermal degredation/ hepatopancreas/ gonyautoxins/ saxitoxins.
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cyanotoxin/ Daphnia
inhibition/ Oscillatoria/ Lake
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cyanotoxin/ illustrations.
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Keywords: cyanotoxin/ freshwater.
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Ishida, K.; Kato, T.; Murakami, M.;
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56(44):8643-8656. Keywords: Microcystis
aeruginosa/ angiotensin-converting enzyme/ Bacillus laterosporus BMI156-14f1/ Streptomyces azureus MH663-2f6/ lens leucine aminopeptidase/
nuclear magneticresonance/ physicochemical properties/ biological activities/ amino acids/ bestatin.
Ishida, K.; Matsuda, H.; and Murakami,
M. (1998). Four new microginins, linear peptides from
the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Tetrahed. 54(44):3475-3484. Keywords:
new microginins/ Microcystis
Ishida, K.; Matsuda, H.; and Murakami,
M. (1998). Micropeptins 88-A to 88-F, chymotrypsin
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54(21):5545-5556. Keywords: chymotrypsin inhibitors/ Microcystis aeruginosa.
Ishida, K.; Matsuda, H.; Murakami, M.;
and Yamaguchi, K. (1996). Kawaguchipeptin A, a novel cyclic
undecapeptide from cyanobacterium Microcystis
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Ishida, K.; Matsuda, H.; Murakami, M.;
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Ishida, K.; Matsuda, H.; Okita, Y.; and
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cyanobacterium/ Microcystis
aeruginosa/ peptide/ cytotoxicity.
Ishida, K.; Murakami, M.; Matsuda, H.;
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inhibitor from the blue-green alga Microcystis
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Keywords: micropeptin/ strypsin
inhibitor/ Microcystis aeruginosa.
Ishida, K.; Nakagawa, H.; and Murakami,
M. (2000). Microcyclamide, a cytotoxic cyclic
hexapeptide from the cyanobacterium Microcystis
aeruginosa. J. Natural Products
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Ishitsuka, M. O.; Kusumi, T.; Kakisawa,
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(1990). Microviridin: a novel
tricyclic depsipeptide from the toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis viridis. J.
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Keywords: microviridin/ Microcystis viridis.
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Keywords: synergism/
cytotoxicity/ 5-fluorouracil/ phosphatase inhibitors/ microcystin-LR/ thymidine
Islam, M. S.; Drasar, B. S.; and
Bradley, D. J. (1990). Long term persistence of toxigenic Vibrio cholerae 01 in the mucilaginous sheath of a blue-green
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cholera/ Vibrio cholerae/
Bangladesh/ mucilaginous sheath/ Anabaena
Islam, M. S.; Drasar, B. S.; and Sack,
R. B. (1994). Probable role of blue-green algae in
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role/ blue-green algae/ cholera/ Bangladesh.
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analysis/ PP2A inhibitors/ firefly/ bioluminescence.
Issinger, O-G.; Martin, T.; Richter, W.
W.; Olson, M.; and Fujiki, H.
(1988). Hyperphosphorylation of
N-60, a protein structurally and immunologically related to nucleolin after
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nucleolin/ casein kinase II.
Ito, E.; Kondo, F.; and Harada, K. (2001).
Intratracheal administration of microcystin-LR, and its
distribution. Toxicon 39(2-3):265-271. Keywords:
liver/ mice/ Brazil/ hepatotoxin/ toxicity.
Ito, E.; Kondo, F.; and Harada,
K-I. (1997). Hepatic necrosis in aged mice by oral
administration of microcystin-LR. Toxicon 35(2):231-239. Keywords:
necrosis/ mice/ microcystin-LR.
Ito, E.; Takai, A.; Kondo, F.; Masui,
H.; Imanishi, S.; and Harada, K.
(2002). Comparison of protein
phosphatase inhibitory activity and apparent toxicity of microcystins and
related compounds. Toxicon 40(7):1017-1025. Keywords:
microcystin-LR/ MCLR-glutathione conjugate/ MCLR-cysteine conjugate/
microcystin-RR/ protein phosphatases 1 and 2A/ accumulation and metabolism/ in vivo.
Itou, Y.; Okada, S.; and Murakami,
M. (2001). Two structural isomeric siderophores from
the freshwater cyanobacterium Anabaena
cylindrica (NIES-19). Tetrahed.
57(44):9093-9099. Keywords: iron/ sidephore/ cyanobacteria/ Anabaena cylindrica/ CAS.
Itou, Y.; Suzuki, S.; Ishida, K.; and
Murakami, M. (1999). Anabaenopeptins-G and anabaenopeptins-H,
potent carboxypeptidase-A inhibitors from the cyanobacterium Oscillatoria agardhii (NIES-595). Bioorg. Medicinal Chem. Lett. 9(9):1243-1246. Keywords:
carboxypeptidase-A inhibitors/ Oscillatoria
Iwami, N.; Sugiura, N.; Itayama, T.;
Inamori, Y.; and Matsumura, M.
(2000). Control of
cyanobacteria, Microcystis, using
predatory microanimals inhabiting bioreactor.
Environ. Technol. 21(5):591-596. Keywords:
bioreactor degredation/ microanimals/ Microcystis/ predation.
Jack, J. D. and Gilbert, J. J. (1994).
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Keywords: effects/ Daphnia/ microzooplankton.
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cyanotoxin/ Microcystis aeruginosa.
Jackson, A. R. B.; McInnes, A.;
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(1983). Toxicity for sheep of
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aeruginosa. Toxicon(3
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Jackson, A. R. B.; Runnegar, M. T. C.;
Falconer, I. R.; and McInnes, A.
(1985). Cyanobacterial
(blue-green algae) toxicity of livestock.
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Queensland Department of Primary Industries: Brisbane, Queensland. pp. 499-511.
Proceedings of the Australia-U.S.A. Poisonous Plants Symposium. May
14-18 (1984); Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Keywords: cyanobacteria/
toxicity/ livestock.
Jacoby, J. M.; Gibbons, H. L.; Hanowell,
R.; and Bouchard, D. D. (1994). Wintertime blue-green algal toxicity in a
mesotrophic lake. J. Freshwater
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Keywords: wintertime toxicity/
mesotrophic lake.
Jahnichen, S.; Petzoldt, T.; and
Benndorf, J. (2001). Evidence for control of microcystin dynamics
in Bautzen reservoir (Germany) by cyanobacterial population growth rates and
dissolved inorganic carbon. Arch.
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Keywords: cyanobacterial toxin/ Microcystis spp./ carbon-concentrating
mechanism/ pH-value/ mathematical model/ Bautzen reservoir/ Germany.
Jaime, E.; Hummert, C.; Hess, P.; and
Luckas, B. (2001). Determination of paralytic shellfish
poisoning toxins by high-performance ion-exchange chromatography. J. Chromat. A 929(1-2):43-49. Keywords:
shellfish poisoning/ paralytic shellfish poisoning/ liquid
chromatograph-mass spectrometry coupling/ ion-exchange/ chromatography/ toxins.
Jaki, B.; Orjala, J.; Bürgi, H-R.; and
Sticher, O. (1999). Biological screening of cyanobacteria for
antimicrobial and molluscicidal activity, brine shrimp lethality, and cytotoxicity. Pharmaceut. Biol. 37(2):138-143. Keywords:
antibacterial/ antifungal/ Artemia
salina/ brine shrimp/ Caco-2-cell line/ KB cell line/ molluscicidal/ biological screening/
antimicrobial activity/ cytotoxicity.
Jaki, B.; Orjala, J.; Heilmann, J.;
Linden, A.; Vogler, B.; and Sticher, O.
(2000). Novel extracellular
diterpenoids with biological activity from the cyanobacterium Nostoc commune. J. Natural Products 63(3):339-343. Keywords:
cyanobacteria products/ stereochemistry/ Nostoc commune.
Jaki, B.; Orjala, J.; and Sticher,
O. (1999). A novel extracellular diterpenoid with
antibacterial activity from the cyanobacterium Nostoc commune. J.
Natural Products 62(3):502-503.
Keywords: extracellular
diterpenoid/ antibacterial activity/ Nostoc
Jakobi, C.; Oberer, L.; Quiquerez, C.;
König, W. A.; and Weckesser, J.
(1995). Cyanopeptolin S, a
sulfate-containing depsipeptide from a waterbloom of Microcystis sp. FEMS
Microbiol. Lett. 129:129-133.
Keywords: Microcystis sp./ waterbloom/ despsipeptide/ sulfate/ trypsin
inhibition/ Auensee-Leipzig/ Germany.
Jakobi, C.; Rinehart, K. L.; Codd, G.
A.; Carmienke, I.; and Weckesser, J.
(1996). Occurrence of toxic
water blooms containing microcystins in a German lake over a three year period. System. Appl. Microbiol. 19(2):249-254. Keywords:
occurrence/ toxic waterblooms/ German lake/ Microcystis/ microcystin/ cyclic peptides/ anion exchange
Jakobi, C.; Rinehart, K. L.; Neuber, R.;
Mez, K.; and Weckesser, J. (1996). Cyanopeptolin SS, a disulfated depsipeptide
from a waterbloom in Leipzig (Germany):
structural elucidation and biological activities. Phycologia 35:111-116. Keywords:
cyanopeptolin/ depsipeptide/ Leipzig, Germany/ structure/ activity.
James, H. A.; James, C. P.; and Hart,
J. (1994). The analysis of microcystin-LR in water:
application in water treatment studies.
In: G. A. Codd, T. M. Jefferies, C. W. Keevil, and E. Potter,
(eds.) Detection Methods for
Cyanobacterial Toxins. Royal Soc.
Chem.: Cambridge. pp. 51-58. The Proceed. of the First Intl. Symposium on
Detection Methods for Cyanobacterial (Blue-Green Algal) Toxins. Sept. 27-29,
1993; University of Bath, UK.
Keywords: microcystis-LR/ water
James, K. J.; Furey, A.; Sherlock, I.
R.; Stack, M. A.; Twohig, M.; Caudwell, F. B.; and Skulberg, O. M. (1998).
Sensitive determination of anatoxin-a, homoanatoxin-a and their
degradation products by liquid chromatography with fluorimetric detection. J. Chromat. A 798(1-2):147-157. Keywords:
liquid chromatography/ determination/ anatoxin-a/ homoanatoxin-a/
degradation products/ derivatization/ LC/ water analysis/ toxins/ neurotoxins.
James, K. J. and Sherlock, I. R. (1996).
Determination of the cyanobacterial neurotoxin, anatoxin-a, by
derivatization using 7-fluoro-4-nitro-2,1,3-benzoxadiazole (NBD-F) and HPLC
analysis with fluorimetric detection. Biomed.
Chromat. 10(1):46-47.
Keywords: determination/
neurotoxin/ derivatization/ HPLC/ fluorimetric detection/ Anabaena flos-aquae.
James, K. J.; Sherlock, I. R.; and
Stack, M. A. (1997). Anatoxin-a in Irish freshwater and
cyanobacteria, determined using a new fluorimetric liquid chromatographic
method. Toxicon 35(6):963-971. Keywords:
HPLC/ anatoxin-a/ freshwater/ Ireland/ fatal canine neurotoxicosis.
Jang, M. H.; Ha, K.; and Joo, G. J. (2003).
Toxin mediated interaction between cyanobacteria and native fishes in
the eutrophic Hoedong Reservoir, South Korea.
J. Freshwater Ecol. 18(4):639-646. Keywords:
Microcystis aeruginosa/
growth/ bloom/ lake/ South Korea/ Hoedong Reservoir.
Jang, M. H.; Ha, K.; Joo, G. J.; and
Takamura, N. (2003). Toxin production of cyanobacteria is
increased by exposure to zooplankton. Freshwater
Biol. 48(9):1540-1550.
Keywords: info-chemicals/
microcystin production/ Microcytis
aeruginosa/ zooplankton/ zooplankton culture media filtrate/ Daphnia magna/ scenedesmus.
Jarema, K. A. and MacPhail, R. C. (2003).
Comparative effects of weekly exposures to anatoxin-a and nicotine on
the operant performance of rats. Toxicol.
Sci. 72(1 Suppl.):74.
Keywords: rats/ weekly exposure/
anatoxin-a/ nicotine.
Jellett, J. F.; Marks, L. J.; Stewart,
J. E.; Dorey, M. L.; Watson-Wright, W.; and Lawrence, J. F. (1992).
Paralytic shellfish poison (saxitoxin family) bioassays: automated endpoint determination and
standardization of the in vitro
tissue culture bioassay, and comparison with the standard mouse bioassay. Toxicon 30(10):1143-1156. Keywords:
PSP/ bioassays/ comparison/ mouse bioassay.
Jellett, J. F.; Roberts, R. L.; Laycock,
M. V.; Quilliam, M. A.; and Barrett, R. E.
(2002). Detection of paralytic
shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins in shellfish tissue using MIST Alert™, a new
rapid test, in parallel with the regulatory AOAC® mouse
bioassay. Toxicon 40(10):1407-1425. Keywords:
diagnostic test/ marine biotoxins/ MIST Alert™/ paralytic shellfish
poisoning/ PSP/ mouse bioassay.
Jia, R. B.; Zhang, X. H.; Zhang, W. H.;
Zhang, G. M.; and Wang, Z. S.
(2003). Fluctuation of
microcystins in water plant. J.
Environ. Sci. Health Part A–Toxic/Hazardous Substances Environ. Eng. 38(12):2867-2875. Keywords:
microcystins/ preoxidation/ coagulation/ filtration/ ozonation/ GAC.
Jimbo, M.; Yamaguchi, M.; Muramoto, K.;
and Kamiya, H. (2000). Cloning of the Microcystis aeruginosa M228 lectin (MAL) gene. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 273(2):499-504. Keywords:
cyanobacterium/ Microcystis
aeruginosa/ lectin/ gene/ polyketide synthase.
Jinno, H.; Ando, M.; Matsui, S.; and
Takeda, M. (1989). Isolation of toxins from natural blue-green
algae and unicellular cultured Microcystis
aeruginosa. Environ. Toxicol.
Chem. 8(6):493-498.
Keywords: isolation/ toxins/ Microcystis aeruginosa/ Microcystis veridis.
Jochimsen, E. M. (1998).
Liver failure and death after exposure to microcystins at a hemodialysis
center in Brazil [Correction for 1998,
338(13):873]. New Engl. J. Med. 339(2):139. Keywords:
liver failure/ human fatalities/ microcystin exposure/ heomodialysis/
Jochimsen, E. M.; Carmichael, W. W.; An,
J. S.; Cardo, D. M.; Cookson, S. T.; Holmes, C. E. M.; Antunes, M. B.;
Melo-Filho, D. A. de; Lyra, T. M.; Barreto, V. S. T.; Azevedo, S. M. F. O.; and
Jarvis, W. R. (1998). Liver failure and death after exposure to
microcystins at a hemodialysis center in Brazil. New Engl. J. Med. 338(13):873-878. Keywords:
liver failure/ human fatalities/ microcystin exposure/ heomodialysis/
John, W.; Raynor, M. W.; and Rae,
B. (1997). Micellar electrokinetic capillary
chromatography of algal toxins. J.
High Resol. Chromat. 20(1):34-38.
Keywords: Micellar electrokinetic
capillary chromatography/ MECC/ algal toxins/ microcystin-LR/ microcystin-YR/
microcystin-RR/ nodularin.
Johnston, B. R. and Jacoby, J. M. (2003).
Cyanobacterial toxicity and migration in a mesotrophic lake in western
Washington, USA. Hydrobiologia 495(1-3):79-91. Keywords:
Microcystis/ cyanobacterial
toxicity/ microcystin/ vertical migration/ phosphorus loading/ Lake
Sammamish, Washington, U.S.A.
Johnston, N. A.; Campagna, V. S.;
Hawkins, P. R.; and Banens, R. J.
(1994). Response of the eastern
rainbowfish (Melantotaenia duboulayi)
to toxic Microcystis aeruginosa. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res. 45(5):917-923. Keywords:
response/ eastern rainbowfish/ Melantotaenia
duboulayi/ Microcystis aeruginosa.
Jones, A. K. (1988).
Algal extracellular products — antimicrobial substances. In: L. J. Rogers and J. R. Gallon (eds.) Biochemistry of the Algae and
Cyanobacteria. Oxford Science
Publications: Oxford, U.K., Vol. 28, pp. 257-281. Proceedings of the Phytochemical Society of
Europe. Keywords: cyanotoxin/ marine/ biotech/ toxin/
antibiotics/ bioactives.
Jones, C. L. A. (1984).
Biochemical, Hematological and Hepatotoxicological Studies of
Hepatotoxins from Microcystis aeruginosa
Strain 7820, and Anabaena flos-aquae
Strain S-23-G. M.Sc. Thesis. Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio. 78
pp. Keywords: cyanotoxin/ Microcystis/ Anabaena/
Jones, C. L. A. and Carmichael, W.
W. (1984). Comparison of hepatotoxins from the
cyanobacteria Anabaena flos-aquae and
Microcystis aeruginosa. Fed. Proc. 43(3):A1716. Keywords:
comparison/ hepatotoxins/ Anabaena
flos-aquae/ Microcystis aeruginosa. (Abstract)
Jones, G. J. (1990).
Biodegradation and removal of cyanobacterial toxins in natural
waters. In: Proceedings of Sydney
Water Board Blue-Green Algae Seminar.
pp. 33-36. November 21-22, 1990;
Sydney. Keywords: cyanobacterial toxins/ biodegradation/ removal.
Jones, G. J. (1994).
Bloom-forming blue-green algae (cyanobacteria). In: G. R. Sainty and S. W. L. Jacobs
(eds.) Waterplants in Australia. Sainty & Associates: Darlinghurst, pp. 267-285.
Keywords: cyanobacteria/ blooms.
Jones, G. J. (ed.)
(1994). Cyanobacterial
Research in Australia. CSIRO:
Australia. 193 pp. Keywords: cyanobacteria/ research/ Australia.
Jones, G. J.; Blackburn, S. I.; and
Parker, N. S. (1994). A toxic bloom of Nodularia spumigena Mertens in Orielton Lagoon, Tasmania. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res. 45:787-800. Keywords:
toxic bloom/ Nodularia spumigena/
Orielton Lagoon/ Tasmania.
Jones, G. J.; Bourne, D. G.; Blakeley,
R. L.; and Doelle, H. (1994). Degradation of the cyanobacterial
hepatotoxin microcystin by aquatic bacteria.
Natural Toxins 2:228-235.
Keywords: biodegradation/
microcystin/ nodularin/ Pseudomonas/
microcystinase/ lag-phase/ kinetics.
Jones, G. J. and Chorus, I. (2001).
Toxic cyanobacteria: towards a global perspective. Environ. Toxicol. 16(6):456-459. Keywords:
cyanotoxins/ global.
Jones, G.J.; Falconer, I.R.; Burch,
M.D.; and Craig, K. (1993). Algal
toxicity. In: Murray-Darling Basin Commission, Algal
Management Strategy, Technical Advisory Group Reports. Canberra, Australia. 17-32 pp.
Keywords: toxicity/ algae/
Jones, G. J.; Falconer, I. R.; and
Wilkins, R. M. (1995). Persistence of cyclic peptide toxins in
dried Microcystis aeruginosa crusts
from Lake Mokoan, Australia. Environ.
Toxicol. Water Qual. 10(1):19-24.
Keywords: persistence/ toxins/ Microcystis aeruginosa/ Lake Mokoan/
Jones, G. J.; Minatol, W.; Craig, K.;
and Naylor, R. (1993). Removal of low level cyanobacterial peptide
toxins from drinking water using powdered and granular activated carbon and
chlorination—results of laboratory and pilot plant studies. In: Proceedings of the Australian Water
and Wastewater Association 15th Federal Convention. AWWA: pp. 339-346. Gold Coast, Australia. Keywords:
removal/ cyanobacterial toxins/ drinking water/ activated carbon/
Jones, G. J. and Negri, A. (1995).
Blooming algal neurotoxins. Chem.
Aust. June:12-13.
Keywords: Anabaena circinalis/ neurotoxins/ Australia.
Jones, G. J. and Negri, A. P. (1997).
Persistence and degradation of cyanobacterial paralytic shellfish
poisons (PSPs) in freshwaters. Water
Res. 31(3):525-533.
Keywords: Anabaena circinalis/ cyanobacteria/ blue-green algae/ neurotoxins/
paralytic shellfish poisons/ persistence/ degradation/ transformation/
Jones, G. J. and Orr, P. T. (1994).
Release and degradation of microcystin following algicide treatment of a
Microcystis aeruginosa bloom in a
recreational lake, as determined by HPLC and protein phosphatase inhibition
assay. Water Res. 28(4):871-876. Keywords:
microcystin/ cyanobacteria/ biodegradation / algicide/ Microcystis aeruginosa/ persistence/
protein phosphatase/ HPLC.
Jones, G. J. and Poplawski, W. (1998).
Understanding and management of cyanobacterial blooms in sub-tropical
reservoirs of Queensland, Australia. Water
Sci. Technol. 37(2):161-168.
Keywords: cyanobacteria/ toxic/
stratification/ mixing/ internal and external nutrient loads/ management/
reservoirs/ Queensland/ Australia.
Jones, S. B. and Jones, J. R. (2002).
Seasonal variation in cyanobacterial toxin production in two Nepalese
lakes. Verh. Internat. Verein.
Limnol. Vol 28(Pt 2):1017-1022.
Keywords: environmental-factors/
blooms/ phytoplankton/ Nepalese lakes.
Juday, R. E.; Keller, E. J.; Horpestad,
A.; Bahls, L. L.; and Glasser, S.
(1981). A toxic bloom of Anabaena flos-aquae in Hebgen Reservoir
Montana in 1977. In: W. W. Carmichael
(ed.) The Water Environment: Algal Toxins and Health. Plenum Press: New York, pp. 103-112.
491 pp. Keywords: cyanotoxin/ Anabaena flos-aquae/ Hebgen Reservoir/ Montana.
Jung, J. H.; Moore, R. E.; and
Patterson, G. M. L. (1991). Scytophycins from a blue-green alga
belonging to the Nostocaceae. Phytochem. 30(11):3615-3616. Keywords:
Cylindrospermum muscicola/ Nostocaceae/ blue-green alga/
scytophycins/ cytotoxins.
Jungmann, D. (1995).
Isolation, purification and characterization of new Daphnia toxic compound from axenic Microcystis flos-aquae strain PCC 7806. J. Chem. Ecol. 21(11):1665-1676. Keywords:
isolation/ purification/ characterization/ Daphnia/ axenic/ Microcystis
flos-aquae/ DTC/ chemical interaction/ toxicity.
Jungmann, D. (1992).
Toxic compounds isolated from Microcystis
PCC 7806 that are more active against Daphnia
than two microcystins. Limnol.
Oceanogr. 37(8):1777-1783.
Keywords: toxic compounds/
isolated/ Microcystis/ Daphnia.
Jungmann, D. and Benndorf, J. (1994).
Toxicity to Daphnia of a
compound extracted from laboratory and natural Microcystis spp., and the role of microcystins. Freshwater Biol. 32
(1):13-20. Keywords: role/ microcystins/ Daphnia/ Microcystis .
Jungmann, D.; Henning, M.; and Jüttner,
F. (1991). Are the same compounds in Microcystis responsible for toxicity to Daphnia and inhibition of its filtering
rate? Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol.
76(1):47-56. Keywords: compounds/ Microcystis/ toxicity/ Daphnia/
filtering rate inhibition.
Jungmann, D.; Ludwichowski, K-U.;
Faltin, V.; and Benndorf, J.
(1996). A field study to
investigate environmental factors that could effect microcystin synthesis of a Microcystis population in the Bautzen
Reservoir. Int. Revue ges.
Hydrobiol. 81(4):493-501.
Keywords: cyanobacteria/
toxicity/ HPLC/ Bautzen Reservoir/ Germany.
Jungo, E.; Visser, P. M.; Stroom, J.;
and Mur, L. R. (2001). Artifical mixing to reduce growth of the
blue-green alga Microcystis in Lake
Nieuwe Meer, Amsterdam: an evaluation of 7 years of experience. In: Particle
Removal from Reservoirs and Other Surface Waters. Vol. 1, 1, pp. 17-23. Keywords:
artificial mixing/ bubble plumes/ cyanobacteria/ dams/ lake restoration/
Microcystis/ Lake Nieuwe Meer/
removal/ reservoirs/ toxins/ Amsterdam.
Jusumi, T.; Ooi, T.; Watanabe, M. M.;
and Kakisawa, H. (1987). Structure of cyanoviridin RR, a toxin from
the cyanobacterium (blue-green alga) Microcystis
viridis. In: Proc. 29th Symposium
on Chemistry of Natural Products.
pp. pp. 536-543. Aug. 26-28;
Sapporo, Japan. Keywords: structure/ cyanoviridin RR/ Microcystis viridis.
Jüttner, F. and Wessel, H. P. (2003).
Isolation of di(hydroxymethyl)dihydroxypyrrolidine from the
cyanobacterial genus Cylindrospermum
that effectively inhibits digestive glucosidases of aquatic insects and crustacean
grazers. J. Phycol. 39(1):26-32. Keywords:
aquatic insect larvae/ crustaceans/ Cylindrospermum/
digestive enzyme/ di(hydroxymethyl) dihydroxypyrrolidine/ enzyme inhibitor/
alpha-glucosidase/ beta-glucosidase/ 2(R),5(R)-bis-(hydroxymethyl)-3(R), 4(R)-dihydroxypyrrolidine.
Kaas, H. and Henriksen, P. (2000).
Saxitoxins (PSP toxins) in Danish lakes. Water Res. 34(7):2089-2097. Keywords:
cyanobacteria; phycotoxins/ neurotoxicity/ PSP/ saxitoxin/ STX/
gonyautoxin/ GTX/ anatoxin/ microcystin/ hepatotoxin/ mouse bioassay/
freshwater/ Danish Lakes.
Kabzinski, A. K. M.; Juszczak, R.;
Miekos, E.; Tarczynska, M.; Sivonen, K.; and Rapala, J. (2000).
The first report about the presence of cyanobacterial toxins in Polish
lakes. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 9(3):171-178. Keywords:
cyanobacterial toxins/ microcystine/ environmental analysis/ high
performance liquid chromatography.
Kachroo, P. (1956).
Myxophyceae as possible antilarval agents. Proceedings & Papers of the 24th
Annual Conference of the California Mosquito Control Association. Department of Agriculture: pp. 52-53. January 16-18, 1956; Stockton,
California. Keywords: cyanotoxin/ antilarval.
Kaebernick, M.; Dittmann, E.; Börner,
T.; and Neilan, B. A. (2002). Multiple alternate transcripts direct the
biosynthesis of microcystin, a cyanobacterial nonribosomal peptide. Appl Environ. Microbiol. 68(2):449-455. Keywords:
cyclic heptapeptide microcystin/ Escherichia
coli/ Chlamydomonas reinhardtii/ Staphylococcus aureus/ internal
promoter/ Anabaena sp./ gene/
expression/ operon/ light.
Kaebernick, M.; Neilan, B. A.; Börner,
T.; and Dittmann, E. (2000). Light and the transcriptional response of
the microcystin biosynthesis gene cluster.
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66(8):3387-3392. Keywords:
blue-green-algae/ hepatotoxin production/ toxin production/ aeruginosa/ growth/ cyanobacteria/
identification/ temperature/ strains/ hepatocytes.
Kaebernick, M.; Rohrlack, T.;
Christoffersen, K.; and Neilan, B. A.
(2001). A spontaneous mutant of
microcystin biosynthesis: genetic characterization and effect on Daphnia. Environ. Microbiol. 3(11):669-679. Keywords:
cyanobacterium/ Microcystis
aeruginosa/ toxin production/ elastase inhibitors/ serine-protease/ food
ingestion/ filtering rate/ toxicity/ Microviridins/
mutant/ Daphnia.
Kaempfel, U.; Berghausen, K. H.; and
Lieflander, M. (1995). Are cyanobacteria suitable for feeding human
beings—a contribution on the essential amino acids of cyanobacteria. Deut. Lebens.-Rund. 91(2):50-52. Keywords:
cyanobacteria/ human food/ essential amino acids. (German)
Kahru, M.; Leppänen, J-M.; Rud, O.; and
Savchuk, O. P. (2000). Cyanobacteria blooms in the Gulf of Finland
triggered by saltwater inflow into the Baltic Sea. Mar. Ecol.–Prog. Ser. 207:13-18. Keywords:
cyanobacteria/ Nodularia/
nutrients/ Gulf of Finland/ Baltic Sea.
Kaji, T.; Fujiwara, Y.; Hamada, C.;
Yamamoto, C.; Shimada, S.; Lee, J. B.; and Hayashi, T. (2002).
Inhibition of cultured bovine aortic endothelial cell proliferation by
sodium spirulan, a new sulfated polysaccharide isolated from Spirulina platensis. Planta Medica 68(6):505-509. Keywords:
endothelial cell/ polysaccharide/ proliferation/ sodium spirulan/ Spirulina platensis/ blue-green alga.
Kalavathi, D. F.; Uma, L.; and
Subramanian, G. (2001). Degradation and metabolization of the
pigment-melanoidin in distillery effluent by the marine cyanobacterium Oscillatoria boryana BDU 92181. Enzyme Microbial Technol. 29(4-5):246-251. Keywords:
marine cyanobacteria/ meanoidin/ decolorization.
Kalbe, L. (1984).
Animal experiments on the oral toxicity of blue-green algae
waterblooms. Limnol. (Berlin) 15(2):559-562. Keywords:
cyanotoxin/ animal experiments/ Nodularia
spumigena/ Microcystis aeruginosa/
Aphanizomenon gracile.
Kalbe, L. (1983).
Kryoconserved bull semen as a test organism for screening toxic
pollutants (sperm test). [Gefrierkonserviertes bullensperma als testobjekt für
die screening-untersuchung von umweltschadoffen (spermatest)]. Z. ges. Hyg. 29(12):718-721. Keywords:
kryoconserved bull semen/ screening of pollutants/ toxicity/ sperm
test. (German)
Kalbe, L.; Duty, J.; Heise, H.; Putzke,
H-P.; Schulz, E.; and Tiess, D.
(1976). Blue-green algae aquatic
flower (Nodularia) in the Baltic Sea
in August 1974. (Zu einter blaualgen-wasserblüte (Nodularia) der Ostee im August 1974). Z. ges. Hyg. 22(4):250-255. Keywords:
cyanotoxin/ Nodularia/ Baltic
Sea. (German)
Kalbe, L. and Recknagel, R. D. (1985).
Zytotoxikologische untersuchung von schadstoffen und wasserblüten mit
gefrierkonserviertem bullensperma (spermatest). Acta Hydrochim. Hydrobiol. 13(2):185-194. Keywords:
sperm motility/ toxicity assay/ blue-greens. (German)
Kalbe, L. and Tiess, D. (1964).
Entenmassensterben durch Nodularia
— wasserblute am Kleinen Jusmunden godden auf Ragen. Arch. Exp. Veterinärmed. 18:535-539. Keywords:
cyanotoxin/ Nodularia. (German)
Kalmbach, E.R. (1968). Type C-botulism among wild birds—a
historical sketch. Bureau Sport Fish.
Wildlife Special Scientific Report—Wildlife. US. Govt. Printing Office: Washington
DC. Report # 110. Keywords:
botulism/ birds/ history.
Kamjunke, N. and Jahnichen, S. (2000).
Leucine incorporation by Microcystis
aeruginosa. Limnol. Oceanogr.
45(3):741-743. Keywords: protein synthesis/ thymidine incorporation/
algae/ toxins.
Kamjunke, N.; Mendonca, R.; Hardewig,
I.; and Mehner, T. (2002). Assimilation of different cyanobacteria as
food and the consequences for internal energy stores of juvenile roach. J. Fish Biol. 60(3):731-738. Keywords:
roach/ Rutilus rutilus/
cyanobacteria/ Aphanizomenon/ Microcystis/ liver glycogen/ muscle
proteins/ assimilation.
Kamjunke, N.; Schmidt, K.; Pflugmacher,
S.; and Mehner, T. (2002). Consumption of cyanobacteria by roach (Rutilus rutilus): useful or harmful to the fish? Freshwater Biol. 47(2):243-250. Keywords:
Aphanizomenon/ cyanobacteria/ Microcystis/ roach/ zooplankton.
Kan, Y.; Sakamoto, B.; Fujita, T.; and
Nagai, H. (2000). New malyngamides from the Hawaiian
cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula. J. Natural Products 63(12):1599-1602. Keywords:
spin-coupling constants/ configuration analysis/ natural products/ acid/
amide/ lethal toxicity to crayfish.
Kangatharalingam, N. and Priscu, J.
C. (1993). Isolation and verification of anatoxin-a
producing clones of Anabaena flos-aquae
(Lyngb.) de Breb. from a eutrophic lake.
FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 12(2):127-130. Keywords:
anatoxin-a/ isolation/ verification/ Anabaena
flos-aquae/ eutrophic lake/ toxic cyanobacteria/ clone/ strain/
intra-species variants of cyanobacteria.
Kankaanpää, H. T.; Sipiä, V. O.;
Kuparinen, J. S.; Ott, J. L.; and Carmichael, W. W. (2001).
Nodularin analyses and toxicity of a Nodularia
spumigena (Nostocales, cyanobacteria) water-bloom in the western Gulf of
Finland, Baltic Sea, in August 1999. Phycologia
40(3):268-274. Keywords: nodularin/ analysis/ toxicity/ Nodularia spumigena/ Gulf of Finland/
Baltic Sea.
Kankaanpää, H. T.; Vuorensola, K. M.;
Sipiä, V. O.; and Meriluoto, J. A. O.
(2002). Chromatographic and
spectral behaviour and detection of hepatotoxic nodularin in fish, clam, mussel
and mouse tissues using HPLC analysis. Chromatographia
55(3-4):157-162. Keywords:
column liquid chromatography/ cyanobacteria/ clams mussels and fish/
hepatotoxins/ nodularin.
Kankaanpää, H. T.; Vuorinen, P. J.; Sipiä,
V. O.; and Keinanen, M. (2002). Acute effects and bioaccumulation of
nodularin in sea trout (Salmo trutta
m. trutta L.) exposed orally to Nodularia spumigena under laboratory conditions. Aquat. Toxicol. 61(3-4):155-168. Keywords:
bioaccumulation/ ELISA/ hepatocytes/ Nodularia
spumigena/ nodularin/ Salmo trutta/
blue-green-algae/ phosphatase inhibition assay/ type-2a protein phosphatases/
mussels Mytilus edulis/ carp Cyprinus carpio/ microcystin-LR/ Baltic
Sea/ in vivo/ cyanobacterial hepatotoxins/
Oncorhynchus mykiss.
Kannan, V. (2000).
Reversible inhibition of GS in Tolypothrix
tenuis. J. Environ. Biol. 21(2):125-132. Keywords:
ammonia release/ cyanobacterium/ glutamine synthetase/ reversible
inhibition/ Tolypothrix tenuis.
Kanne, D. B. and Abood, L. G. (1988).
Synthesis and biological characterization of pyridohomotropanes: Structure-activity relationships of
conformationally restricted nicotinoids.
J. Med. Chem. 31(3):506-508. Keywords:
cyanotoxin/ synthesis/ characterization.
Kanne, D. B.; Ashworth, D. J.; Cheng, M.
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toxin/ Mytilus edulis/ in vivo/ ionization/ rat/
identification/ Baltic Sea.
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total normal microcystin/ N-methyldehydroalanine/ glutathione/
trinitrobenzene sulfonate (TNBS)/ colorimetry/ liquid
chromatography-ultraviolet/ liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS)/ Oscillatoria-agardhii/ acid/ liver/ LR.
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chemical defense.
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cyanotoxins/ Anabaena flos-aquae/
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii/
freshwater/ phytoplankton/ Daphnia/
lake/ anticholinesterase/ sedimentation/ acetylcholine.
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Keywords: cyanobacterium/
mycosporine-like amino acid/ mycosporine-2-glycine/ Euhalothece.
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Toxicity and microcystin content of extracts from a Planktothrix bloom and two laboratory strains. Water Res. 36(8):2133-2139. Keywords:
cyanobacteria/ cyanotoxins/ Planktothrix/
Danio rerio/ Thamnocephalus platyurus/ secondary metabolites.
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